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There is also relief of the heart when it is laboring to overcome a high resistance. One drop of the official spirit of nitroglycerin on the tongue will cause a lowering in the peripheral pressure pulse, the radial pulse becoming larger and fuller. Int.

No difficulty is ordinarily experienced in differentiating radial paralysis from muscular injuries to the triceps; yet, in some cases of "dropped elbow," it is necessary to observe the progress of the case for ten days or two weeks before one can positively establish a diagnosis.

In adult animals, radial fracture constitutes a grave condition; generally speaking, prognosis, in such cases, is unfavorable. Because of the leverage afforded by the extremity, immobilization of the radius is difficult. Any sort of mechanical appliance, which will immobilize these parts, is likely to produce pressure-necrosis of the soft structures so contacted.

The final development of this three-cylinder radial was the 'Y' type of engine, in which the cylinders were regularly disposed at 120 degrees apart, the bore was 4.1, stroke 4.7 inches, and the power developed was 30 brake horse-power at 1,300 revolutions per minute.

Under the care of his son, Mr. Frank Newall, it has proved highly efficient in the delicate work of measuring stellar radial motions. Close upon its construction followed that of the Washington 26-inch, for which twenty thousand dollars were paid to Alvan Clark. The most illustrious point in its career, entered upon in 1873, has been the discovery of the satellites of Mars. Dr.

The former kind have for the most part consisted of a circular valve and face, with radial apertures, the valve resembling the outstretched wings of a butterfly, and being made to revolve on its central pivot by connecting links between its outer edges, or by its central spindle.

An old garden Cactus, and one of the prettiest of the tufted, small-stemmed kinds. Its largest stems are 3 in. high by about in. in diameter, and bear spiral rows of clavate, dark green, crystallised tubercles, ½ in. long, with about ten radial white spines, ½ in. long, the three upper spines, together with the solitary central hooked one, being yellow.

Such a man finds himself born unto trouble, as the sparks fly in all directions; but he is merely aware of undergoing a chastening process, just as the tethered calf is aware that he always turns a flying somersault when he impetuously charges in any direction away from his peg; and this simply because the man knows as much about the Order of Things as the calf knows about Euclid's definition of a radial line.

Evidently, what the optical image of the sun in the atmosphere thus reveals concerning the gradation of the ratio between Light and Dark in the radial direction, is an attribute of the entire light-realm which stretches from the sun to that image. And again, the attribute of this realm is but an effect of the dynamic relation between the sun itself and the surrounding cosmic space.

The petrol consumption of the type is very low, being only 0.48 lbs. per horse-power per hour, and equal economy is claimed as regards lubricating oil, a consumption of as little as 0.04 lbs. per horse-power per hour being claimed. Certain American radial engines were made previous to 1914, the principal being the Albatross six-cylinder engines of 50 and 100 horse-powers.