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Also I had noticed the curious purposelessness of their salvage, as though in trying to save everything they succeeded in saving nothing that was of any consequence. Perhaps it is that, as some one has remarked, all things suddenly become equally dear when you have to leave them. "But where are they going?"

The hush of the mountains, the silence of the plain, the vastness, the emptiness, the seeming purposelessness of it all, irritated and oppressed her spirit. And she so yearned to be where the world was alive and throbbing! "I wonder if I really love him enough, or if I made a little fool of myself this afternoon?" she muttered to herself. "I wonder!"

Even as they arrived upon the road they saw the carefully careless group of lounging soldiers, like characters on a stage "discovered" at the rise of the curtain, break into movement and slouch with elaborate purposelessness to surround the cottage.

This prima facie view the Sutra sets aside, 'not so, because the scriptural term karana connotes works; thus the teacher Karshnajini thinks. For mere conduct does not lead to experiences of pleasure and pain; pleasure and pain are the results of works in the limited sense. 'There is purposelessness'; not so, on account of the dependence on that.

It needed but this to show him the joy of breathing, the glory of loving, the sweetness of living. He resolved that for him there would be no more drifting, no more purposelessness. If what Wetzel had told him was true, if he really had not loved in vain, then his cup of happiness was overflowing.

Profusion of epithets without applicability, want of continuity, purposelessness, silliness, heartlessness were but a few of his denunciations. Alister argued it was but a bit of fun, and that anybody that knew Ian, knew perfectly he would never amuse himself with a fellow without giving him something, but it was in vain; Ian was bent on showing it altogether unworthy.

Darrow has been whimsically deflating the illusions in which man hides from the purposelessness of the cosmos. God, heaven, politics, philosophies, ambition, love Mr. Darrow has deflated them time and again charging from $1 to $2 a seat for the spectacle. This is nothing against Mr. Darrow that he charges money sometimes. For years and years Mr.

What wears the soul out is not the work of life itself it is its drudgery, its monotony, its blind vagueness, its apparent purposelessness. We do not wish to scatter our lives and spend our years in nothingness. Christ comes into the world and says: Over-fatigue is abnormal. There is not enough work in the universe to tire every one all out.

These are the two golden rules regarding concentration; but we must not suppose that because we have to be on our guard against idle drifting there is to be no such thing as repose; on the contrary it is during periods of repose that we accumulate strength for action; but repose does not mean a state of purposelessness.

Profusion of epithets without applicability, want of continuity, purposelessness, silliness, heartlessness were but a few of his denunciations. Alister argued it was but a bit of fun, and that anybody that knew Ian, knew perfectly he would never amuse himself with a fellow without giving him something, but it was in vain; Ian was bent on showing it altogether unworthy.