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Her position's precarious; her father has little besides a pension. And her writing damages her health. She can't. And she likes the baronet. Oh, it's only a little fit of proud blood. She's the woman for him. She'll manage him give him an idea he's got a lot of ideas. It'd kill her father if she were obstinate.

"Thanks," said Hardie, with keen satisfaction. He turned to George. "I'd be glad of your support, Mr. Lansing." George sat silent a moment or two while Flora watched him. Then he said quietly: "My position's much the same as Mr. Grant's I can do without. After what you have said about the Sachem, I'll join you." "And you?" Hardie asked Edgar. The lad laughed. "I follow my leader.

"Then the position's bad." Bill Brudenell spoke for the first time. "The post and Mission's safe anyway. Murray'll see to that." It was a startled community that awoke next morning at Fort Mowbray. The news was abroad at the earliest hour, and it reached Jessie Mowbray in the kitchen, as she made her appearance to superintend the preparation of breakfast.

'We are not very well off, she continued; 'perhaps you know that. 'Yes, he interrupted. 'But the position's more complicated than you can know'; she was speaking carefully, weighing her words. 'Of course you know that I have a sister younger than myself. She's at school in Brussels. Well, by the Sark laws, the Seigneurie can't be split up between the members of a family.

Only, no mistake about one thing; it has to be done to Mr. Dodd's satisfaction, for it's Mr. Dodd that's paying." "I'm accustomed to give satisfaction," said Mr. Nares, with a dark flush. "And so you will here!" cried Pinkerton. "I understand you. You're prickly to handle, but you're straight all through." "The position's got to be understood, though," returned Nares, perhaps a trifle mollified.

Touchett; "but here, I dare say, it will bring a high price. It ought to make a considerable sum for each of you. In addition to that you must have something else; it's most extraordinary your not knowing. The position's of value, and they'll probably pull it down and make a row of shops. I wonder you don't do that yourself; you might let the shops to great advantage."

Of course, if it happened, people would say that she had tried to capture Aldous Raeburn for his money and position's sake. Let them say it. People with base minds must think basely; there was no help for it. Those whom she would make her friends would know very well for what purpose she wanted money, power, and the support of such a man, and such a marriage.

May laughed at such scenes half-a-dozen times in the first week of her stay at Henstead. "Is he so very important to us?" she asked of Foster. He answered her in a whisper behind a fat hand, "His house is only a couple of miles from Sir Winterton's, and Lady Mildmay's been civil. He employs a matter of two hundred men up at the mills yonder." "The position's very critical, isn't it, then?"

If money and style and social position's what counts and she wants to force you to keep your promise, why, I'm her guardian and she can count on me to back her up. What do you say, Caroline? I'm at your service. But Caroline interrupted him. "Stop!" she cried wildly. "Oh, stop! Do you think do you suppose I would marry him now? Now, after I've seen what he is?

The position's beyond what she had any right to expect." All was well with Elsa; that seemed evident enough; it was a better position than Elsa had any right to expect. Poor dear child, I seemed to see her rolling down the bank again, expecting and desiring no other position than to be on her back, with her little legs twinkling about in the air.