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Updated: September 25, 2024

For a time, five of them lived together in a cavern, thirty feet in depth. This cavern had a secret communication with the cellar of a house. Their generous hostess, periling her own life for them, daily supplied them with food. She could furnish them only with the most scanty fare, lest she should be betrayed by the purchase of provisions necessary for so many mouths. It was mid-winter.

"And then who on earth would care for me any more!" said Hester, with mock mournfulness, which brought a glimmer of the merry light back to the major's face. "But really, Hester," he persisted, "this is most imprudent. It is your life, not your beauty only you are periling!" "Perhaps," she answered. "And the lives of us all!" added the major.

"Would you show me how you came in?" said Hester. "With pleasure," he answered, and taking one of the candles, led the way. "I would not let the young woman leave her husband to show me out," he went on. "When I found myself a prisoner, I thought I would try this door before periling the sleep of a patient in the small-pox. You seem to have it all round you here!"

"Her giving food and clothes to a deserter may have been only an ordinary instinct of humanity towards a fellow-creature who appeared to be suffering, to say nothing of M'Caffrey's plausible tongue. But her periling her life to save him from an unjust accusation, and her desire to shield her brother's pride from ridicule, is altogether praiseworthy and extraordinary.

"There was a mystery connected with her periling her life in the way she did that I could not then solve, but I made no inquiry into her secret. "Of the few left to us they were now once more nearly all together, and further plans were in order." At this point Dr. Adams said, "The horrors of those rebel prisons have ever been like a specter before me whenever I hear them mentioned."

He would do whatever she required; go back to the Federal army if she said so; seek for the pardon he was sure to gain; fight for his country like a hero, periling life and limb, if she would only give him the shadow of a hope. "I must have time to think.

That weary look was so manifest now on the beautiful face that even the chaplain, albeit tenacious of his position as a sea-anemone, felt that, for once, he had overstaid his time and was periling his popularity. So, after an expansive benediction, and an entreaty that they would be early at church on the morrow, he went "to his own place."

This was the unknown girl the stranger was seeking, but who in her turn perhaps had been seeking Low the girl who absorbed his fancy the secret of his absences, his preoccupation, his coldness! This was the girl whom to see, perhaps in his arms, she was now periling her liberty and her life unknown to him!

The count, however, was greatly displeased at this answer, and said to his associates, "I understand it perfectly. He is willing that we should seize and carry him, as if by violence, but wishes, in case of failure, to throw all the blame upon those who are periling their lives to save him."

This was the unknown girl the stranger was seeking, but who in turn perhaps had been seeking Low the girl who absorbed his fancy the secret of his absences, his preoccupation, his coldness! This was the girl whom to see, perhaps in his arms, she was now periling her liberty and her life unknown to him!

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