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And he moved moodily away and began to dress himself. "Who cares!" said Tom. "Nobody wants you to. Go 'long home and get laughed at. Oh, you're a nice pirate. Huck and me ain't cry-babies. We'll stay, won't we, Huck? Let him go if he wants to. I reckon we can get along without him, per'aps." But Tom was uneasy, nevertheless, and was alarmed to see Joe go sullenly on with his dressing.

You 'ave 'ad 'ard times and 'ard times is ver' bad for everyone, except per'aps Jesus Christ, for either they go under and are broken, un'appy people, or they come out on top, and then zey are 'arder than anyone else. Well, you are ze big, 'ard young man. But you run after this leetle Monsieur Rufus as though 'e was your baby brother.

'You're a liar, she ses, 'I seed from the first minute as you wasn't no respectable gal, she ses, 'an' now per'aps me sisters'll believe me. So out I 'ad to go, an' I wasn't sorry. It seemed like there wasn't nothink in the world mattered but Elbert, like as if damnation was worth while. 'Ow, Elbert, I ses, 'I'd go to the Devil for you, an' smile all the way. 'E laughed an' laughed.

"'Got a fine hoss thar, sez I; 'reckon I never see such a purty color, sez I. 'He is purty, sez he, 'per'aps too purty for ME to be a-drivin', but he isn't fast. 'I ain't speakin' o' that, sez I; 'it's his looks that I'm talkin' of; whar might ye hev got him? 'He was offered to me by a fr'en' o' me boyhood, sez he; 'he's a pinto mustang, sez he, 'from Californy, whar they breed 'em. 'What's a pinto hoss? sez I. 'The same ez a calico hoss, sez he; 'what they have in cirkises, but ye never see 'em that color. En he was right, for when I looked him over I never DID see such a soft and silky coat, and his mane and tail jest glistened.

"God's hand was in that," murmured Gregory; "God's hand was in that." "Do you think so, now? Well, it does seem kinder cur'us, and per'aps it was, for somehow I never took to that Hunting, though he seems all right." "Good-by, Mr. Tuggar," said Gregory, rising; "you have given me a good deal to think about, and I'm going to think, and act, too, if I can.

'In this, he has said, 'the above animal was conveyed. But with it was no accompanying letter. The sender was anonymous. 'Per'aps, Captain Bassett has said and still more in a dream I 'ear him 'per'aps on the 'at-box there is some bally name or other, do you not know what? I clutch at the table. The room is spinning round and round. I have no stomach only emptiness.