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The seventh and last is a humorous description of a famished beau, who had dined only with duke Humfrey, and who was strangely adorned with exotic dress. To these three satires he adds the following conclusion. Thus have I writ, in smoother cedar tree, So gentle Satires, penn'd so easily. Henceforth I write in crabbed oak-tree rynde, Search they that mean the secret meaning find.

I had not, while residing in the house of Dubourg, absolutely conducted myself like A clerk condemn'd his father's soul to cross, Who penn'd a stanza when he should engross;

"Tu tawnie vassavie lubbeny, Tu chal from miry tan abri; Had a Romany chal kair'd tute cambri, Then I had penn'd ke tute chie, But tu shan a vassavie lubbeny With gorgikie rat to be cambri." "There's some kernel in those songs, brother," said Mr. Petulengro, when the songs and music were over. "Yes," said I; "they are certainly very remarkable songs.

Talks at the same pitch, Is as wise, is as rich, And just where you left him, you find him. But who says he was not, A man of much plot, May repent that false accusation; Having plotted, and penn'd Six plays to attend, The farce of his negotiation. Killegrew was a man of very great humour, and frequently diverted king Charles II, by his lively spirit of mirth and drollery.

You approve yourself so able in the diplomatique, that you need no assistance from me: in truth, a better despatch could not have been penn'd than yours of yesterday to Don Joseph De Mazarredo. 13th May. I very much admire your last letter to Mazarredo, as I have done all the former. 27th May.

My fellow-servants dear, attend To these few lines, which I have penn'd: I'm sure they're from your honest friend, And wisher-well, poor PAMELA. I, from a state of low degree, Was plac'd in this good family: Too high a fate for humble me, The helpless, hopeless PAMELA.

I had not, while residing in the house of Dubourg, absolutely conducted myself like A clerk condemn'd his father's soul to cross, Who penn'd a stanza when he should engross;

might we but hear The folded flocks penn'd in their watled cotes, Or sound of pastoral reed with oaten stops, Or whistle from the lodge, or village cock Count the night watches to his feathery dames, 'Twould be some solace yet, some little cheering In this close dungeon of innumerous boughs. In the morning, Emily was relieved from her fears for Annette, who came at an early hour.

The fellow with the fiddle plays, he plays; the little lassie sings, she sings an ancient Roman ditty; now hear the Roman ditty. Penn'd the Romany chi ke laki dye "Miry dearie dye mi shom cambri!" "And coin kerdo tute cambri, Miry dearie chi, miry Romany chi?" "O miry dye a boro rye, A bovalo rye, a gorgiko rye, Sos kistur pre a pellengo grye, 'Twas yov sos kerdo man cambri."