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By us the judge has the second interrogatory been appointed, three days from to-day, in order that the proofs of the possession and presence of the demon in the body of the aforesaid may be sought, and the accused, according to the order of the judge, has been taken back to the jail under the conduct of Master Guillaume Tournebouche. In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen.

Petition of Madeleine Patris. Petition of Quetrent Cognier, weaver, "sans-culotte, and one of the first members of the Troyes national guard." "Recueil de Pieces, etc.," I.. 225. "I, the undersigned, declare that, on the orders of citizen Clauer, commissioner of the canton, I have surrendered at Strasbourg seven of the richest in Obershoeffolsheim without knowing why."

Then comes the conclusion: "Quicunque eam violavissent ab omnibus esse ei poenas persolutas." Here is the dichoreus; for it does not signify whether the last syllable is long or short. Then comes, "Patris dictum sapiens, temeritas filii comprobavit." And this last dichoreus excited such an outcry as to be quite marvellous. I ask, was it not the rhythm which caused it?

And, lower-down. In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen.

The paternosters are males, the Ave Marias are females, and the Gloria Patris are the children." "Eh? Excuse me, Sister Rufa: paternoster, Ave Maria, and Gloria are like rice, meat, and sauce a mouthful for the saints " "You're wrong! You'll see, for you who pray that way will never get what you ask for." "And you who pray the other way won't get anything from your novenas," replied old Sipa.

And the priest went across to the couch where the Queen had lain, and sat down on it. "In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti " began Mary. When the confession was finished, Robin went across, at the Queen's order, and tapped with his finger-nail upon the door, while she herself remained on her knees.

Therefore it is that when we discern an Eternal and Universal Principle of Human Personality as necessarily involved in the Essential Being of the Originating Universal Spirit Filius in gremio Patris we have discovered the true Normal Standard of Personality.

The cardinal opened the gold box, and, with the point of a golden needle, drew out some holy oil; he then said two prayers, and taking the oil on his finger, traced with it a cross on the head of the prince, saying, "Ungo dein regem de oleo sanctificato, in nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti." The lad wiped off the oil with an embroidered handkerchief.

A favorite place of excursion, near the city, was "Crystal Spring," where some afternoon orgies were enacted, which should have made the sun go into eclipse. I repaired once to Mount Vernon, and looked dolorously at the tomb of the Pater Patris, and once to Annapolis, on the Chesapeake, which the war has elevated into a fine naval station.

The Archbishop then proceeds to the seven anointings: on the crown of the head, on the breast, between the shoulders, on the right shoulder, on the left shoulder, in the bend of the right arm, in the bend of the left arm, making the sign of the cross at each, and repeating seven times: ungo te in regem de oleo sanctificato, in nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti.