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The lecture abounded with gems of wit, humor and pathos, and the audience would willingly have listened another hour. Cheyenne Tribune.

A stranger might have laughed, but he would not have laughed long the old man's earnestness, sincerity, reverence and devotion were over-shadowing. Its pathos was too deep for fun. Instead of a clergyman's frock he wore a faded coat of blue buttoned up to his neck. It had been the coat of an officer in the artillery, and had evidently passed through the Civil War.

There is a certain portion of the War that will never go into the regular histories, nor be embodied in romance or poetry, which is a very real part of it, and will, if preserved, convey to succeeding generations a better idea of the spirit of the conflict than many dry reports or careful narratives of events; and this part may be called the Gossip, the Fun, the Pathos of the War.

There is no attempt at fine writing or structural effect, but the tender treatment of the sympathies, emotions, and passions of no very extraordinary people gives to these little stories a pathos and human feeling quite their own. N. Y. Commercial Advertiser.

In the days that followed, Rhoda grew perceptibly weaker, and her friends went about with aching hearts under an assumed cheerfulness of manner that deceived Rhoda least of any one. Rhoda herself did not complain and this of itself added a hundredfold to the pathos of the situation.

"It seems to me," said he, with equal pathos and truth, upon one occasion, "that I was born in this bad planet that all which I do might be misinterpreted." The people worshipped him, and there was many an occasion when his election would have been carried with enthusiasm.

Many years ago a great grief fell upon him, and it took away all his joy and all his ambition. It was because he brooded over his sorrow, and because he was always faithful to a memory, that the townspeople deemed him a strange old poet; but they loved him and they loved his songs, in his life and in his songs there was a gentleness, a sweetness, a pathos that touched every heart.

The Tales of the Argonauts as works of creative fancy exceed the Sketches of Washington Irving alike in wealth of color and humor, in pathos and dramatic action. Some writers make an exception of the famous Sleepy Hollow story.

This leads up to numerous episodes or chapters in which Melmoth endeavours to obtain substitutes: and in one of these the love interest of the book the, of course, fatal love of Melmoth himself for a Spanish-Indian girl Immalee or Isidora is related with some real pathos and passion, though with a good deal of mere sentiment and twaddle.

Harkless agree that it looked really pretty dull for Miss Sherwood's other lovers? Mr. Harkless smiled, and agreed that it did indeed. She felt a thrill of compassion for him, and her subsequent description of the pathos of his smile was luminous.