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The shop in Wangaroo occupied by the Museum of Marvels was rented from a Chinese greengrocer, who carried on a business next door. The place had originally been one shop, but Kit See, with the frugality of his race, had partitioned it roughly, and with Oriental astuteness let the half for nearly as much as he paid for the whole.

Lifting the latch, I gave a gentle, cautious push and the hinges swung so quietly I had slipped into the room before those inside or out could prevent me. I found myself in the middle of a long apartment with low, sloping ceiling, and deep window recesses. It had evidently been partitioned off from the main hall; for the wall, ceiling and floor made an exact triangle.

MY LORD: The reciprocal jealousy and even interest of Austria, France, and Russia have hitherto prevented the tottering Turkish Empire from being partitioned, like Poland, or seized, like Italy; to serve as indemnities, like the German empire; or to be shared, as reward to the allies, like the Empire of Mysore.

Every week I see advertisements and letters from Spain that this year shall witness the downfall of England; for the Spaniards like the hunter who divided, with great liberality, among his friends the body and limbs of the wolf, before it had been killed have partitioned this kingdom and that of Ireland before the conquest has been effected. But my royal heart is no whit appalled by such threats.

She knew that I'd never take care of you when she made that trip to Thailand to buy paintings for this so called gallery of hers just a partitioned backroom, more like a closet, that caused her to rename the store into 'The Gallery. Me, the arsonist, was in my own little kennel a cheap hotel room. But then yours was a little worse wasn't it?

It is impossible to make the rooms look homelike, and I often find myself wondering where in this world I have wandered to! The house is of logs, of course, and has a pole and dirt roof, and was built originally for an officers' mess. The dining room is large and very long, a part of which we have partitioned off with a piece of canvas and converted into a storeroom.

He was going toward the door. "They say they're wonderful." "Who wants to live in one room, anyway?" "It's really two rooms and the kitchenette. There's the living room perfectly darling and a sort of combination breakfast room and kitchen. The breakfast room is partitioned off with sort of cupboards so that it's really another room. And so handy!" "How'd you know?"

She had partitioned off one corner of the gallery and set up a manicure and hairdressing parlor. Of mornings, when business in the gallery was dull, she made many an extra dollar by beautifying the women of Ragtown. "Yes, there's money in it," she said.

"I am afraid that I could not allow anything to interfere with one brief call which I must pay." "In Downing Street?" "Precisely!" "You go to visit your friend at the Foreign Office?" "Immediately I have called at my rooms." She looked away from him out of the window. Beneath her veil her eyes were a little misty. She saw nothing of the trimly partitioned fields, the rolling pastoral country.

Ventilation is effected by the sash over the end doors, and also by ventilators placed along the ridge board. At the north end a small room is partitioned off for a boiler pit. On one side is a chest of drawers for seeds, &c., and on the other some shelving. In connection with the boiler pit is a coal bin, not, however, of very large capacity.