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But whatever the changes or relaxation, in holidays, amusements, travel, or education, the person who formed her mind was the one who had taught her to obey, to put words together into language, and to speak the truth, from infancy. It is not necessary to consider Ann McDonald as a paragon. She was simply an intelligent, disciplined woman, with a strong sense of duty.

He has so stirred her sympathies for the woman whom he pronounces a paragon of all the virtues and graces, that I begin to fidget now at the sound of the prisoner's name, and can hardly look my wife straight in the face. When I go up to court next week, I will call on the Governor, and add a personal appeal to the one I have already signed.

"In the name of your lamented parent, whose memory I shall for ever revere, I implore you to answer me," urged Kneebone, "why why would you not accept him?" "Because our positions are different," replied Winifred, who could not resist this appeal to her feelings. "You are a paragon of prudence and discretion," rejoined the woollen-draper, drawing his chair closer to hers.

To my mind Fustov was the happiest man in the world. His life ran so very smoothly. His mother, brothers, sisters, aunts, and uncles all adored him, he was on exceptionally good terms with all of them, and enjoyed the reputation of a paragon in his family. One day I went round to him rather early and did not find him in his study.

"Yes, I am going to grind at three or four foreign grammars, and to give my mind to latitude and longitude, and fractions, and decimals," said Vixen, with a bitter laugh. "Isn't that cheering?" "Whatever you do, Vixen," cried Roderick earnestly, "don't be a paradigm." "What's that?" "An example, a model, a paragon, a perfect woman nobly planned, &c. Be anything but that, Vixen, if you love me."

Cowperwood having located himself at the Netherlands, and Mrs. Carter at the much humbler Grenoble, they journeyed together to visit this paragon whose picture he had had hanging in his rooms in Chicago for months past.

Sir John heard gossip about us about Anna the recluse, a paragon of virtue, and Annabel alias 'Alcide' a dancer at the cafés chantants, and concerning whom there were many stories which were false, and a few which were true. I well, I borrowed Anna's name. I made her my unwilling confederate. Sir John followed me to London and married me.

I know that whatever you do will be within the rules of the game. That's the touchstone of honor of your kind." "Isn't it good enough? It ought to be, for it's about the only one most of us have." Io laughed. "We're becoming very serious. May I take the pony?" "Yes. Will you be back for supper?" "Of course. Shall I bring the paragon?" "If you wish."

We might also cite Leibnitz to the effect that men differ from animals in being capable of the formation of necessary judgments, and hence capable of demonstrative sciences. But notwithstanding it seems so apparent that what is customarily called reason is the distinguishing endowment which makes man the "paragon of animals," we very often meet with attempts to set up some other distinction.

She will begin to blame your least actions because they are at variance with her ideas, or her secret intentions. She will take no care of what pertains to you, she will not even know whether you have all you need. You are no longer her paragon.