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"It's a wonder he drives the wagonette at all, if there is no demand for it," remarked Barrant. "Aw, there's a'plenty demand for it always lots of passergers except by this one," rejoined the man in the blue suit. "You'd be surprised how people gets about in these paarts." He was studying the detective's face with interest. "You be a Londoner," he said quickly. "What braught you down here?"

I wouldn't have 'e differ'nt not to them as loves 'e, any way." "I sha'n't change; an' if I did to all the world else, 'twouldn't be to you, mother. You knaw that, I reckon. I'm hopeful; I'm more; I'm 'bout as certain of fair fortune as a man can be. Venwell rights be mine, and theer's no better moorland grazing than round these paarts.

Four-and-thirty short years he lived, then the world beginned to ope its eyes to his paarts, an' awnly then tu late, when the thread of his days was spun. What's the world to you and why should you care for its word, Chris Blanchard?" "Because I am Chris Blanchard," she said. "I was gwaine to kill myself, but thought to see his dear face wance more before I done it. Now " "Kill yourself!

Her mind comprehended barely enough to accept his idea in a sense suggested by her acquaintance with fable, and when he instanced a rabbit as an earthly manifestation of the Everlasting, she felt she could cap the example from her own store of knowledge. "I reckon I sees what you'm meanin', Mister Jan. Theer's things us calls witch-hares in these paarts up-long.

But the thinkin' paarts of en be drownded wheer his bwoy was, an' I lay theer ban't no druggister, nor doctor neither, as'll bring 'em back to en." "Look at that now!" exclaimed another man. "See who's a talkin' to Tregenza! If that ban't terrible coorious! 'Tis Billy Jago, the softy!" Billy was indeed addressing Gray Michael and getting an answer to his remarks.