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Lord Rokesle pished at this. Yet he was strangely unruffled. He saluted with quietude, as equal to equal, and the two crossed blades. Simon Orts fought clumsily, but his encroachment was unwavering. From the first he pressed his opponent with a contained resolution. The Vicar was as a man fighting in a dream with a drugged obstinacy, unswerving.

"The woman's right, my Lord. There is such a thing as manhood. Manhood!" Simon Orts repeated, with a sort of wonder; "why, I might have boasted it once. Then came this cuddling bitch to trick me into a fool's paradise to trick me into utter happiness, till Stephen Allonby, a marquis' son, clapped eyes on her and whistled, and within the moment she had flung me aside.

Have you a prayer-book about you, Master Parson? for here's a loving couple desirous of entering the blessed state of matrimony." "The match is somewhat of the suddenest," said Simon Orts. "But I have known these impromptu marriages to turn out very happily very happily, indeed." he repeated, rubbing his hands together, and smiling horribly. "I gather that Mr.

Jane and Walter, after many "prave 'orts" about climbing the ridge behind Drogmulla, contented themselves with a minor ascent of a knoll about fifty feet high, while the Lancer, reckless in his increasing activity, managed to trip over his crutches and give himself an extremely unfortunate fall. Monday, October 2.

Frank Orts had assisted her from the rowboat without speaking; indeed, he had uttered scarcely a word, save to issue some necessary direction, since the woman first came to him at the Vicarage with her news of the night's events. Now he composedly stepped back into the boat. "You've only to go forward," said Frank Orts.

Afterwards come what might. The Truth at any rate. Magna est veritas et praevalebit. These were "prave 'orts" and valorous protestations. But when their light supper was over and Colonel Winwood had retired, Ursula Winwood lingered in the dining room, her heart aching for the boy who looked so stern and haggard. She came behind him and touched his hair. "Poor boy," she murmured.

He put his own hand upon her bared bosom, and felt the beat of her heart. "No," said Simon Orts, "you are not afraid. Now, listen: You lack time to drown in a sea of feathers. You are upon Usk, among men who differ from beasts by being a thought more devilish, and from devils by being a little more bestial; it is my opinion that the earlier you get away the better.

It is thus used by Shakespeare in his Troylus and Cresida, act 5, s. 2: 'The fractions of her faith, orts of her love: The fragments, scraps, the bits and greasy relics Of her ore-eaten faith. Ed.

There was a Simon once would not have seen me weep. There was a Simon " " we are gathered together here in the sight of God " "You cannot do it, Simon, do I not know you to the marrow? Remember not me not the vain folly of my girlhood! but do you remember the man you have been, Simon Orts!" Fiercely Lady Allonby caught him by the shoulder. "For you do remember! You do remember, don't you, Simon?"

"These rhetorical passages," said Lord Rokesle, "while very elegantly expressed, are scarcely to the point. So you and Simon went a-philandering once? Egad, that lends quite a touch of romance to the affair. But despatch, Parson Simon, your lady's for your betters now." "Dearly beloved, " said Simon Orts. "Simon, you are not all base. I am helpless, Simon, utterly helpless.