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Updated: August 9, 2024

He was still pale, but composed, and held himself with simple dignity. "Some men," he said, "are not so happy, even for an hour." A sudden passionate necessity to save him swept over her. In the morning Orsi remained at the villa, but he sent the launch in early with an urgent summons for the Cavaliere Nelli.

The cart bore Cesare Orsi, and Mochales the bull-fighter, the Flower of Spain. It was a part of Anna Mantegazza's humor that the men, so essentially antagonistic, should arrive together clinging precariously on the high insecure trap. Tea was served at five on the terrace, and Lavinia dressed with minute care.

His collar was both too tight and too high, although perspiration promised relief from the latter. A general and unremarkable conversation mingled with the faint rattle of passing cups and low directions to a servant. Lavinia was seated next to Cesare Orsi, but she was entirely oblivious of his heavy kindly face and almost anxiously benevolent gaze.

Anna was smoking, but Gheta had refused. Lavinia's feeling for her sister had changed from pity to total indifference. The elder had been an overbearing and thoughtless superior; and now, when Lavinia felt in some subtle inexplicable manner that Gheta was losing rank, her store of sympathy was small. Lavinia hoped that she would marry Orsi immediately and leave the field free for herself.

Cesare Orsi stood in the doorway, smiling with oppressive good-nature. "Lavinia," he told her, "I've done something, and now I'm in the devil of a doubt." He advanced, holding a small package, and sat on the edge of a chair, mopping his brow. "You see," he began diffidently, "that is, as you must know, at first you were at the convent I thought something of proposing for your sister.

The next day I called on M. Orsi, the banker, to cash my bill of exchange, and took another for six hundred sequins on Venice, and one hundred sequins in gold after which I again exhibited myself in the public places. Two days afterwards, whilst I was taking my coffee after dinner, the banker Orsi was announced.

Numa, however, adopted 355 days for his year, from his partiality to odd numbers. The intercalations were generally made in the month of February, after the 23rd of the month. Their management was left to the pontiffs ad metam eandem solis unde orsi essent dies congruerent; "that the days might correspond to the same starting-point of the sun in the heavens whence they had set out." Ov.

It seems that I have been annoying Gheta by my attentions, flattering her with pearls." "Did Gheta tell you that?" Lavinia demanded. A growing resentment took possession of her. "Because if she did, she lied!" "Ah!" Mochales whispered sharply. "They're both mad," Orsi told her, "and should be dipped in the bay." Never had Abrego y Mochales appeared handsomer; never more like fine bronze.

Cesare Orsi said: "I will order the launch." In a few minutes the palpitations of the steam died in the direction of Naples. Lavinia followed her husband to their rooms, where he sat smoking one of his long black cigars. He was pale; his brow was wet and his collar wilted. She stood beside him and he patted her arm. "Everything is in order," he assured her.

"That may be, but you are certainly the Casanova I knew a month ago at Cardinal Acquaviva's, and two years ago at the house of my sister, Madame Lovedan, in Venice. Besides the Ancona banker speaks of you as an ecclesiastic in his letter of advice to M. Orsi:"

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