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He dreamt of these photographs exactly as they appeared from the slide projector and in that sequence as one of those most godless days of that long trial when one's whole body trembled in continuum through bits of the hours with stolid, cadaverous expressions throughout the ordeal. He assumed his parents had also behaved the same.

The rector sat on an old chair, smoking. He had a conviction that it behooved him as a man to stand by his wife during what might prove an ordeal. He had known Content's deceased aunt years before. He had also known the clergyman who had taken charge of her personal property and sent it on with Content. "Be prepared for finding almost anything. Sally," he observed. "Mr.

I backed away a few steps, and retired by another route, feeling that this was the simplest and easiest ordeal I had ever gone through. It was impossible to make a mistake even if you had tried to and everybody was kindness and courtesy itself. An attendant removed the decoration, placed it in a box and handed it to me; another attendant handed me my coat and cap and I left the palace.

From those same benches whence arose nineteen years back the never-forgotten cheers that greeted the tale of British disaster in South Africa, now came a shower of snarling interruptions that broke persistently into the Prime Minister's speech, and with angry menace impeded his unfolding of the Government's proposals for meeting the supreme ordeal of the war. What was the reason?

He had known nothing from his childhood up except an atmosphere of amusement, refinement, brilliancy, and idleness; he came where gnawing hunger, brutalized jest, ceaseless toil, coarse obscenity, agonized pain, and pandemonaic mirth alternately filled the measure of the days. A sharper contrast, a darker ordeal, rarely tried the steel of any man's endurance.

Day followed day, and still she shrank from the unendurable ordeal of confession as she was shrinking from it now! Was it fear for herself that closed her lips? She trembled as any human being in her place must have trembled at the bare idea of finding herself thrown back again on the world, which had no place in it and no hope in it for her.

He builds too high for one, too low for another; is too ornate for this, too plain for that; he sacrifices utility to aesthetics, or aesthetics to utility, and somebody is displeased either way. The duchess has been a sympathizing friend of the architect through this arduous ordeal.

You were in my mind as much as any other person at that trying ordeal, unless it was my mother." "Oh, don't grow sentimental. Now that it is all over and not much harm done, let us laugh at it; but I want to scold you." "Why?" "You did not obey me on that night. I told you to drink no more wine, and after I left, you drank too much, which provoked the quarrel."

And thus Cuba, like his geographical namesake, emerged from the violent ordeal of reconstruction with a mangled constitution, internal dissension, a decided preponderance of foreign element, but a firm and abiding trust in the new power with which his fortunes had been irrevocably cast.

I told him that I wanted work. I told him, too, about my damaged reputation, and my inability to clear myself." "Did he believe you?" she asked eagerly. "He did; or if he didn't then, he did afterwards. Years later he admitted that for the first twelve months of my time with him he paid to have me watched; but that was really to my advantage, as I came scatheless through the ordeal."