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The salient feature of the law as given by Moses unto his people, the Jews, is that of strict cleanliness of mind and body. In this we find a similarity to the oft-repeated behest of Gautama, the Buddha, who constantly admonished his followers to keep their hearts pure and their minds and bodies clean.

Men do not watch other men whimper and beg for mercy little rascals who have been nipped in a greater schemer's trap without beginning to wonder, soon or late, how much of man is warped and twisted; and he had been watching Archie Wickersham now for months. He believed that men's men were not women's men, the oft-repeated epigram to the contrary.

Such lords as were left assembled hastily for that pathetic oft-repeated ceremony, the crowning of the child, taken out of his cradle to have the fatal circlet put upon his head and committed some sort of regency, such as it was, to the Queen.

Was it not owing to the oft-repeated and bold assertions of Europeans, that man deteriorated in this hemisphere?

Then Arthur knelt down upon the spot, and as if the oft-repeated ejaculation, 'May God forgive me! were wholly inadequate now, he said the Lord's Prayer, with folded hands and streaming eyes, while Jerrie stood over him, with her arm around his neck. 'Oh, Gretchen, he cried; 'do you know I am here after so many years? Arthur, your husband, who loved you through all?

On careful consideration of all the evidence accessible, it seems to me that no attempt at negotiation with the insurgent leader could result in any good. He would accept nothing short of severance of the Union, precisely what we will not and cannot give. His declarations to this effect are explicit and oft-repeated. He does not attempt to deceive us. He affords us no excuse to deceive ourselves.

To sum up this branch of the argument: however oft-repeated and much-discussed a play may be, the playwright must assume that in every audience there will be an appreciable number of persons who know practically nothing about it, and whose enjoyment will depend, like that of the first-night audience, on the skill with which he develops his story.

Willoughby did not display her usual alacrity to engage in the oft-repeated combat as to Miss Le Mesurier's merits. Her face grew serious again. 'Does Clarice care for him, you think? Fielding was admiring Mrs. Willoughby's eyes at the moment, and answered absently. 'Conway, you mean? 'No, no! How wilfully irritating you are! This Mr. Drake, of course.

There'll be a million coyotes left to howl when the last man dies." From this oft-repeated prophecy Collins was known to every stockman in three States as the Coyote Prophet, the title a jeering one at first, then bestowed with increasing respect as men saw many of his prophecies fulfilled.

Notwithstanding that my disappointments had been many and oft-repeated, I bore up under the infliction as meekly as I could, and never yet had I felt in my heart a rebellious feeling against God. I still continued to offer up prayers for my success, and to place reliance upon the hope that His mercy would yet be extended to me.