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Over the olives and bouillabaisse and the oeufs provençals they chatted in easy, friendly fashion about impersonal matters the strange charm of Provence, art, music, the theatre. From that the conversation passed imperceptibly to more personal matters. Elaine, keeping to her resolve of the morning, led it in that direction.

The town contains several quaint and ancient houses, one of them supported by wooden posts projects over the pavement, another at the corner of the Marche des Oeufs has a very rich though battered piece of carved oak at the angle of the walls. It seems as if it had caught the infection of the extraordinary detail of the church porch.

After the loss of eight transports and nearly nine hundred men in a storm near the Isle aux Oeufs, at the entrance of the St.

What do you propose to give me now?" "Oeufs Midas," said Memnon. "Sounds rather rich," I observed. "It would cost you 4,650,000 francs for a half portion at a Paris café, if you could get it there which you can't." "And what, Memnon," said I, "is the peculiarity of eggs Midas?"

Then he looked round. There was no one very near, though curious faces were turned in his direction, as the grim news of the Raid was passed from mouth to mouth. He came up close to Stafford and touched his chest with a firm forefinger. "Every egg in the basket is broken, Stafford. I'm sure of that. Dr. Jim'll never get in now; and there'll be no oeufs a la coque for breakfast.

"Au reste, je ne puis pas me persuader qu'il y ait des tubercules au poumon, parce que j'ai ne jamais crache de pus, ni autre chose que de la pituite qui a beaucoup de ressemblance au blanc des oeufs. Sputum albumini ovi simillimum.

HBDGESPARROW. Accentor modularis, Linnaeus. French, "Mouchet," "Traîne buisson," "Accenteur mouchet." The Hedgesparrow is, I think, quite as common as in England, and resident throughout the year in all the Islands. According to Mr. Métivier's 'Dictionary' its local name is "Verdeleu," and he describes it as "Oiseau qui couvre les oeufs de Coucou."