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As the inflammation had subsided I proposed to adopt the mode of treatment recommended by Mr. Baynton, fearing that any attempt to heal the ulcers by eschar would fail on account of the oedema. This project was deferred, however, by the patient's wish to try the effect of sea-bathing.

Burns may cause death from shock, suffocation, oedema glottidis, inflammation of serous surfaces, bronchitis, pneumonia, duodenal ulcer, coma, or exhaustion.

Then came the dropsical ones, inflated like wine-skins; and beside some stretchers there dangled hands twisted by rheumatism, while from others protruded feet swollen by oedema beyond all recognition, looking, in fact, like bags full of rags. One woman, suffering from hydrocephalus, sat in a little cart, the dolorous motions of her head bespeaking her grievous malady.

After tracheotomy has been performed, the oedema and swelling of the larynx subside in three to six days. This last chapter cannot begin more fitly than by quoting again the words of Mr. McMaster: "George Washington is an unknown man." Mr.

Goddard, the other survivor, was just able to walk down, spoke, and looked exceedingly feeble. They were brought on board at noon, and attended to according to my instructions. Carron's legs were dreadfully swollen, about three times their natural size, from oedema. In the afternoon both reviving and thanking God for their deliverance. I was for some time afraid of Carron.

In the allied department of obstetrics we find chapters on the signs of conception, on the urine in pregnant women, on difficult labor, prolapsus uteri, retention of the placenta, post partum hemorrhage, afterpains, and the oedema of pregnancy.

Poisoning, as by hydrocyanic acid, cyanide of potassium, inhalation of carbonic acid or coal gas, oedema of glottis following inhalation of ammonia. Rapid onset of some acute specific disease, such as pneumonia or diphtheria; collapse from cholera. Heat-stroke, lightning, shocks of electricity of high tension. Mental or physical shock. Exertion while the stomach is overloaded.

When the inflammation had again subsided, I ventured, notwithstanding the oedema, to apply the lunar caustic to form an eschar, enjoining rest and the horizontal position. On the following day complete but unadherent eschars were formed over each sore. There, had been no pain after the smart of the caustic had ceased.

No attention had been paid to him; they had to acknowledge that he had not been altogether wrong, and he was freed for a few hours. But, hardly had the oedema gone down to some extent, than the two savants thought fit to put back the limb in the apparatus, strapping it tighter to hasten matters.

Many plants have an intensely irritating action on the skin, and when absorbed act as active poisons. =Rhus toxicodendron= is the poison oak or poison ivy. Poisoning by this plant is rare in England, though not uncommon in the United States. Mere contact with the leaves or branches will in many people set up an acute dermatitis, with much oedema and hyperæmia of the skin.