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A citizen or two paused on the street corner, a few Mexicans grinned as they drew back to allow the Gringo free access to the saloon, and a swarthy figure slipped unobserved across the street and blended into the shadow of the adobe wall. "O-o-o-o-o-h, the yaller r-o-s-e of Texas!" sang the cowpuncher, with joyous vehemence.

As he stepped into the room, his eyes swept the faces of the gamblers and again he burst into vociferous song: "O-o-o-o-o-h, w-h-e-r-e is my wanderin' b-o-y tonight?" "Hey, you! Whad'ye think this is, a camp meetin'?" The Texan faced the speaker. "Well, if it ain't my old college chum! Fatty, I stopped in a purpose to see you.

Again Nicolas ducked and rushed in. Once more he employed his forefinger tip in the same fashion, and with more power. "O-o-o-o-o-h! Wow!" gasped Sambo, this time doubling nearly to the ground. "Get away, chile! I doan' wan' no mo' ob yo'!" "You have insult," insisted Nicolas angrily, "and I do much more yet to you." This time the negro appeared almost helpless.

A'tim, sitting on his haunches, and holding his nose high in air until his throat pipe drew straight and taut, sang: "O-o-o-o-o-h! for the blood drinking! W-a-u-g-ha! the sweet new meat hot to the mouth!" The Indian Dogs caught up the cry of A'tim as it floated over the Belly River and voiced it from a thousand throats. "The Blackfeet!" screamed Eagle Shoe, rushing from his tepee.

"I am actually faint with hunger, and a cup of tea appears necessary to revive me." "Of course, stay," said the girl with quick sympathy. "We can't give you much, but we can give you something." "Oh ho!" "O-h-o-o-o-h! O-h-o-o-o-h!" A loud call came from the woods. "There's Nora," said Kathleen. "O-o-o-o-o-h! O-o-o-o-o-h!" The girl's answering call was like the winding of a silver horn.