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However, I commend my laundress to the Mayor of the Ninth Arrondissement." And I signed my name. The Mayor gave her the coal. January 8. Camille Pelletan brought us good news from the Government. Rouen and Dijon retaken, Garibaldi victorious at Nuits, and Fraidherbe at Bapaume. All goes well. We had brown bread, now we have black bread. Everybody fares alike. It is well.

"Madame has said it" Henri was a fatalist in his speech, at least, he lived up to his creed. "Honfleur is far Monsieur Renard has not the good digestion when he is tired he suffers. Il passe des nuits d'angoisse. Il souffre des fatigues de l'estomac. Il se fatigue aujourd'hui!"

So his father-in-law sent him some information about the place, and added: "Ne manquez pas surtout de voir l'interieur de la Salle Synodale qui est peut-etre la plus belle salle gothique du monde apres celle de Westminster. Le tresor de la Cathedrale est interessant. "Je continue a me porter beaucoup mieux. Les nuits sont bonnes. "A bientot, puisque vous avez la bonne pensee de revenir.

Among those enumerated there are splendid passages, second in beauty and force to but a few of his later poems, the sublime "Nuits," "Souvenir," and the incomparable opening of "Rolla."

Helena his "Sentimental Journey to Nuits" in Burgundy. The account he gave Las Cases of the aristocracy in the little city, and of its assemblies at the mansion of a wine-merchant's widow, is most entertaining.

Des nuits sans fraicheur, des fleurs sans odeur, des fruits sans saveur, des femmes sans pudeur; voila les Antilles!" The Guardsman and I, anxious to see more of this lovely island, went off by train to the western extremity of Jamaica. The engineer who surveyed the Jamaican Government Railway must have been an extremely eccentric individual.

On demande a un homme qui vouloit vendre un cheval, "Votre cheval est-il peureux?" "Oh, point du tout," repond-il; "il vient de passer plusieurs nuits tout seul dans son ecurie." Dans une querelle entre un pere et son fils, le pere reprochoit a celui-ci son ingratitude.