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The addition of a solution of potassium or ammonium thiocyanate to one of silver in nitric acid causes a deposition of silver thiocyanate as a white, curdy precipitate. If ferric nitrate is also present, the slightest excess of the thiocyanate over that required to combine with the silver is indicated by the deep red which is characteristic of the thiocyanate test for iron.

It may be the conclusion of another argument, which, thrown into the syllogistic form, would stand thus:—Whatever forms a compound with hydrogen, which yields a black precipitate with nitrate of silver, is arsenic; the substance before me conforms to this condition; therefore it is arsenic.

Cauterization widely round the limb of the bite with a strong solution of nitrate of silver, one drachm to the ounce, to prevent the introduction of the poison into the system by the lymphatics.

Concentrated acid gives off irritating orange-coloured fumes of nitric acid gas. When poured on copper, it gives off red fumes and leaves a green solution of nitrate of copper. It gives a red colour with brucine, turns the green sulphate of iron black, and with hydrochloric acid dissolves gold.

The wisest chemist does not know why the simplest chemical experiment results as it does. Take, for example, a water-like solution of nitrate of silver, and let fall into it a few drops of another water-like solution of hydrochloric acid; a white insoluble precipitate of chloride of silver is formed. Any tyro in chemistry could have predicted the result with absolute certainty.

When the swelling of the lids is considerable, scarifying them with the point of a lancet will often be of much service. Ointment of nitrate of silver may also be smeared on the edges. sometimes make their appearance; they may be lifted up with the forceps, and excised with a knife or scissors, and the wound touched with nitrate of silver.

Should a warm pinkish tone be desired, I tone with weak solutions of ferri cyanide of potassium, nitrate of uranium, and chloride of gold in about equal quantities. After toning, wash well and dry; they dry quickly. Varnish with Soehnee crystal varnish, then mount with covering glasses, and mark. Bind round the edges with paper and very stiff gum, and the picture is complete.

In this rainless district for countless ages, the continuous fixation of atmospheric nitrogen by the soil, its conversion into nitrate by the slow transfiguration of billions of nitrifying organizations, its combination with soda, and the crystallization of the nitrate have been steadily proceeding, until the nitrate fields of Chili have become of vast importance, and promise to be of inestimably greater value in the future.

You can use two or three applications of 500 pounds to the acre without overdoing it if your land needs it at all. Nitrate With Stable Manure. I am going to plant about 2000 plants of rhubarb.

With two or three applications we could keep the disease at bay; but with none could we fairly remove the evil. The sulphate of zinc, the acetate of lead, decoctions of oak bark, a very mild injection of the nitrate of silver, all would do good at times; but at other times we were set at complete defiance. Another gentleman brought his dog about the same time. This was also a Newfoundland dog.