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"Oh of course you've had an awfully close call!" she drummed resonantly upon his apathetic chest. "But I've seen three lightning people a lot worse off than you!" she kneaded reassuringly into his insensate neck-muscles. "And they came out of it all right after a few days!" she slapped mercilessly into his faintly conscious sides.

Bill! but guv'm'nt business 's look'n' up there'll be some o' th' rest o' us a-want'n this yere off'c', a ter nex' 'lection, I reck'n'." It was the blacksmith, who is also the ferryman, who thus bantered the delighted postmaster, a broad-faced, big-chested, brown-armed man, with his neck-muscles standing out like cords, and his mild blue eyes dancing with fun, this rustic disciple of Tubal Cain.

For thus, with dripping foreheads and knotted neck-muscles and breaking backs and rankly tempestuous language, did the untutored men-folk of her own beloved home-land hurl their great strength against bulls and boulders and refractory forest trees. Very startlingly as she watched, a brand new thought went zig-zagging through her consciousness.

Having satisfied himself on these points, he examined both shins delicately by the sense of touch, and carefully tested the capacities of his neck-muscles to move his head in a wonted manner. Then he responded somewhat gruffly: "'Lo!" "Where you been?" Sam said eagerly, his formality vanishing. "Havin' a mud-fight." "I guess you did!" Sam exclaimed, in a low voice. "What you goin' to tell your "

A shadow fell over the line, and I looked up to see an anthropomorphic enlargement of the ants, the convicts winding up the steep bank, each with cot, lamp, table, pitcher, trunk, or aquarium balanced on his head, all my possessions suspended between earth and sky by the neck-muscles of worthy sinners.

Without the slightest difficulty he leaped that pitfall of the drunken, the letter L. "Luke," repeated Racey Dawson, struck by a sudden thought. "What's this about Luke? You mean Luke Tweezy?" The old man rubbed his shaving-brush adown Racey's neck-muscles. "I mean Luke Tweezy," he said. "Lots o' folks don't like Luke. They say he's mean. But they ain't nothin' mean about Luke.