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I shall now soon have my dear son Carl with me, so economy is more necessary than ever. I cannot prevail on myself to go to you; I know you will forgive this. I am very sensitive, and not used to such things, so the less ought I to expose myself to them. In addition to twelve kreutzers for bread, Nany has a roll of white bread every morning. Is this usual? and it is the same with the cook.

She is too uneducated for a housekeeper, indeed quite a beast; but the other, in spite of her pretty face, is even lower than the beasts. As the New Year draws near, I think five florins will be enough for Nany; I have not paid her the charge for making her spencer, on account of her bad behavior to you.

Melissa lives with her daughter, Nany Hardie, in a neat bungalow on the Sharon Line, a Negro district. Melissa's health is good with the exception of cataracts over her eyes which have caused her to be totally blind. Ohio Guide Ex-Slave Stories Aug 15, 1937 SUSAN BLEDSOE 462-12th St. S.E., Canton, Ohio.

Farewell; I trust I may always retain your friendship. Now, as ever, your friend, I thank you for the interest you take in me. I am rather better, though to-day again I have been obliged to endure a great deal from Nany; but I shied half a dozen books at her head by way of a New Year's gift. Nany is not strictly honest, and an odiously stupid animal into the bargain.

Nany yesterday took me to task in the vulgar manner usual with people of her low class, about my complaining to you; so she evidently knew that I had written to you on the subject. All the devilry began again yesterday morning, but I made short work of it by throwing the heavy arm-chair beside my bed at B.'s head, which procured me peace for the rest of the day.

A daily roll for breakfast comes to eighteen florins a year. Farewell, and work well for me. Mdlle. Nany is wonderfully changed for the better since I sent the half-dozen books at her head. Probably they chanced to come in collision with her dull brain or her bad heart; at all events, she now plays the part of a penitent swindler!!! In haste, yours,