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And there your Law did good work. You're for Bordeaux. What is your word on Burgundy? 'Our Falernian! 'Victor Radnor has the oldest in the kingdom. But he will have the best of everything. A Romanee! A Musigny! Sip, my friend, you embrace the Goddess of your choice above. You are up beside her at a sniff of that wine.

"Pomard!" would slowly fall from his lips, or "Acceptable Musigny!" "This Chambertin is really very fair!" "The Chateau Yquem is not half bad!" etc., etc.

"Pomard!" would slowly fall from his lips, or "Acceptable Musigny!" "This Chambertin is really very fair!" "The Chateau Yquem is not half bad!" etc., etc.

François!" he exclaimed, "You may bring in the little dog and, François!" he added, as the boy servant turned to go "bring glasses and a bottle of Musigny you will find it on the shelf back of the Medoc." Then he turned to me: "There are still two bottles left," and he laughed heartily. "Bien, monsieur," answered the boy, and departed with a key big enough to have opened a jail.

"Come in," said he, forcing a faint laugh -he stopped for a moment as he closed and locked the gate labouring painfully for his breath. Then he slipped his arm under my own. "Come along," he whispered, struggling for his voice. "I have found another bottle of Musigny." A funeral, like a wedding or an accident, is quickly over. The sale of de Savignac's château consumed three days of agony.

Again our talk drifted to hunting, of the good old times when hares and partridges were plentiful, and so he ran on, warmed by the rare Musigny, reminiscing upon the old days and his old friends who were serious sportsmen, he declared, and knew the habits of the game they were after, for they seldom returned with an empty game-bag. "And you are just as keen about shooting as ever?" I ventured.

And there your Law did good work. You're for Bordeaux. What is your word on Burgundy? 'Our Falernian! 'Victor Radnor has the oldest in the kingdom. But he will have the best of everything. A Romanee! A Musigny! Sip, my friend, you embrace the Goddess of your choice above. You are up beside her at a sniff of that wine.

I did not know until Pierre, who was waiting outside in the court, told me afterwards, that his entire staff of servants was composed of the boy with the blue apron and the cook an old woman the last of his faithful servitors, who now appeared with a tray of trembling glasses, followed by the boy, the dusty cobwebbed bottle of rare Musigny and my dog! Not a whole dog.

"Pomard!" would slowly fall from his lips, or "Acceptable Musigny!" "This Chambertin is really very fair!" "The Chateau Yquem is not half bad!" etc., etc.

I half started indignantly from my chair then I remembered it was no affair of mine. Presently madame returned flushed, and, with a forced smile, in which there was more pain than pleasure, poured for me another glass of Musigny. I saw instantly that something unpleasant had passed something unusually unpleasant perhaps tragic, and I discreetly rose to take my leave.