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Some are still in the painted wooden cases, into which they fit as into coffins; others have been taken out, and are shown with all the red-brown bandages wound round and round their limbs, and in some cases part of these bandages have been undone and the foot or the leg of a mummied man or woman is visible.

Later on we find Seker confused with the ancient dwarf-god, and it is the latter who was afterwards chiefly revered as Phtah-Socharis-Osiris, the protector of the necropolis, the mummied Phtah being the generally recognized ruler of the City of the White Wall. It is from the name of Seker that the modern Sak-kâra takes its title.

Miss Trelawny smiled a sad smile which made my heart ache, as she made answer: "Oh no! Father does not like animals about the house, unless they are dead and mummied." This was said with a touch of bitterness or jealousy, I could hardly tell which.

Besides these, there are other mummies exhibiting the style of swathing peculiarly Egyptian, in contradistinction to the Græco-Egyptian, which differs from the former in having the limbs separately bandaged, instead of being placed together and enveloped in one form. There are also fragments of the human body mummied, one of which contains between the arm and shoulder a papyrus-roll.

For about five thousand years men were mummified in imitation of the mummied form of Osiris; and they went to their graves believing that their bodies would vanquish the powers of death, and the grave, and decay, because Osiris had vanquished them; and they had certain hope of the resurrection in an immortal, eternal, and spiritual body, because Osiris had risen in a transformed spiritual body, and had ascended into heaven, where he had become the king and the judge of the dead, and had attained unto everlasting life therein.

Got his witch grandmother mummied in it? And three big mahogany presses, hey? A diabolical suspicion came over me which I had had once before, that he might be one of our modern alchemists, you understand, make gold, you know, or what looks like it, sometimes with the head of a king or queen or of Liberty to embellish one side of the piece.

Can those be men those little livid brown, ash-streak'd, monkey-looking dwarfs? are they really not mummied, dwindled corpses? It steeps its perpetrators in blackest, escapeless, endless damnation. The dead there are not to be pitied as much as some of the living that come from there if they can be call' d living many of them are mentally imbecile, and will never recuperate.

The original form of this deity was a mummied hawk upon a coffin, and it is very probable that he was imported from the South, like the second Phtah, at the time of the conquest, when the great Northern necropolis began to grow up as a duplicate of that at Abydos.

What do you mean?" said Valentine, for John sitting down near him, held out his hand. "Oh, nonsense; I'm all right." But he put his own into it, and let John with his other hand push up the sleeve of his coat. "Too thin by half, isn't it?" he said, affecting indifference, as John gravely relinquished it; "but I am so mummied up in flannels that it doesn't show much."

Ah, that is excellent! I suppose that you have no more articles that you can show me?" "I have nothing more except a mummied hand, which I found in the basket with the jewels. The two rings off it lie there. Doubtless it was removed to get at that bracelet. I suppose you will not mind my keeping the hand " "Of the beloved of Smith," interrupted the Director drolly.