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Barra, on the former stream, is of itself a town of 2,000 inhabitants. In that part of the Amazonian territory which lies within the boundaries of Brazil, the settlements are, of course, Brazilian the settlers being a mixture of Portuguese negroes and Christianised Indians.

I can't help it, Mary. It does aggravate me to look at her!" Mary could only shake her head with a mixture of pity, reproof, and amusement, and as a safer subject could not help asking "By the bye, why do you confuse your friends by having all the two families named in pairs?" "We didn't know we were going to live close together," said Carey.

"And hence," said I, "springs that universal vulgarity of idea, as well as manner, which pervades all society for nothing is so plebeian as imitation." "A very evident truism!" said Clarendon "what I lament most, is the injudicious method certain persons took to change this order of things, and diminish the desagremens of the mixture we speak of.

This would only be the beginning, of course, and after a while every qualified voter who did not feel like exerting himself so much, need only give his name and proxy to the salaried thinker employed by the National Think Retort and Supply Works. We talk a great deal about the union of church and state, but that is not so dangerous, after all, as the mixture of politics and independent thought.

The face and figure of the General were characteristic of the mid-century American of the northern states, a mixture of boldness and caution and Puritanism, who had won his battles in war and commerce by a certain native quality of mind. "I never appreciated him," said Hugh at length, "until after he died long after. Until now, in fact.

His study presented a singular mixture of civilization and barbarism, and its very peculiarities made it a delight to Alice and me.

Even the sand covering of the asphalted roads is of a peculiarly attractive blend. It seems like a mixture of ordinary sand with a touch of cinnamon. Even that corps of stalwart guards had to submit to a tonal harmony of drabs, with touches of yellow metal, warm red puttees, and neat little yellow Spanish canes. They all seem very proud and appreciative of their part in the concert of colors.

The rotary blower sucked the mixture from the carburettor and delivered it to a passage communicating with the inlet ports in the cylinder walls.

M. Quatrefages quotes from another writer the phrase that South America is a great laboratory of experiments in the mixture of races, and reviews the different results which different cases have shown. In South Carolina the Mulatto race is not very prolific, whereas in Louisiana and Florida it decidedly is so.

We can with difficulty comprehend the character of a cosmic mind whose purposes are fully revealed by the strange mixture of goods and evils that we find in this actual world's particulars. Or rather we cannot by any possibility comprehend it. The mere word 'design' by itself has, we see, no consequences and explains nothing. It is the barrenest of principles.