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And when, a week or so later, he left I was not surprised to have Mexique come up to us and placidly remark: "I give dat feller five francs. Tell me he send me overcoat, very good overcoat. But say: Please no tell anybody come from me. Please tell everybody your family send it." And with a smile, "I t'ink dat feller fake."

I wish I had another of Mexique out in le jardin with a man who worked there who was a Spaniard, and whom the Surveillant had considerately allowed Mexique to assist; with the perfectly correct idea that it would be pleasant for Mexique to talk to someone who could speak Spanish if not as well as he, Mexique, could, at least passably well.

Dah-veed, cautiously and in a low voice, invited us to his mattress to enjoy this extraordinary pleasure; and we accepted, B. and I, with huge joy; and sitting on Dah-veed's paillasse we found somebody who turned out to be Mexique to whom, by his right name, our host introduced us with all the poise and courtesy vulgarly associated with a French salon.

The new cabinet and other clerical loaders flocked to the castle to get some assurance as to the Emperor's intentions; but he was ill, and denied himself to all visitors, even to the Princess Iturbide, who, it is said,* resented the slight in violent language. * See Basch, "Maximilien en Mexique," p. 56.

He would encounter a bug of wood in the road, whom he will bet upon the time which he shall take to go where she would go and if you him have take at the word, he will follow the bug as far as Mexique, without himself caring to go so far; neither of the time which he there lost.

The general regarded him without interest, without budging; then, he said, very simply: "They have begun, they must finish." "Which is why perhaps," said One Eyed Dah-veed, looking two ways at once with his uncorrelated eyes, "the Germans entered Noyon...." But to return to Mexique.

Compare S. Basch, "Maximilien au Mexique," p. 296. The appointed hour passed, however, without being summoned to execution. After prolonged suspense, at four o'clock in the afternoon news arrived that a reprieve of three days had been granted by the president, in order that the condemned might make their last dispositions.

Most of the timeless time I spent promenading in the rain and sleet with Jean le Negre, or talking with Mexique, or exchanging big gifts of silence with The Zulu. For Oloron I did not believe in it, and I did not particularly care. If I went away, good; if I stayed, so long as Jean and The Zulu and Mexique were with me, good. "M'en fou pas mal," pretty nearly summed up my philosophy.

Those desiring to know what can be said in support of this view of Ancient America must read the later volumes of Brasseur de Bourbourg, especially hisQuatre Lettres sur le Mexique,” and hisSources de l’Histoire Primitive du Mexique,” etc.

Mexique exited in a placidly cheerful condition, shrugging his shoulders and remarking: "I no do nut'ing.