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All substances, however, that appear to be in solution are not able to penetrate membranes, or take part in osmosis. *Kinds of Solutions in the Body.*—The substances in solution in the body liquids are of two general kinds known as colloids and crystalloids. The crystalloids are able to pass through membranous partitions, while the colloids are not.

This bone was as clean of soft parts as if it had been removed from a dead subject with a scalpel and saw. No sight of the membranes or of the substance of the brain was obtained. The piece of cranium removed was 6 3/4 inches in the longitudinal diameter, and 5 3/4 inches in the short oval diameter.

When the poison has been absorbed through the skin or mucous membranes, a mild form of delirium, with great weakness and lividity, are the first signs. Post-Mortem. If strong acid has been swallowed, the lips and mucous membranes are hardened, whitened, and corrugated. In the stomach the tops of the folds are whitened and eroded, while the furrows are intensely inflamed. Treatment.

Another rheumatism is said to exist, when inflammation and swelling, as well as pain, affect some of the membranes of the joints, as of the ancles, wrists, knees, elbows, and sometimes of the ribs. This is accompanied with fever, is analogous to pleurisy and other inflammations, and is termed the acute rheumatism.

And if then the midwife puts up her fingers into the neck of the womb, she will find the inner orifice dilated; at the opening of which the membranes of the infant, containing the waters, present themselves and are strongly forced down with each pain she hath; at which time one may perceive them sometimes to resist, and then again press forward the finger, being more or less hard and extended, according as the pains are stronger or weaker.

In a number of cases, however, he had had success by puncturing the scalp and membranes with a cautery, though but a very small opening was made and the fluid was allowed to escape only drop by drop.

Everything tends to a more violent motion. If the sensation be an agreeable one, all these parts will acquire a higher degree of harmonious activity; the heart's beat will be free, lively, uniform, the blood will flow unchecked, gently or with fiery speed, according as the affection is of a gentle or violent description; digestion, secretion, and excretion will follow their natural course; the excitable membranes will pliantly play in a gentle vapor-bath, and excitability as well as sensitiveness will increase.

The stomach and bowels were inflated, and appeared before any incision was made into them as if they had been pinched, and extravasated blood had stagnated between their membranes. They contained nothing, as far as we examined, but a slimy bloody froth. Their coats were remarkably smooth, thin, and flabby. The wrinkles of the stomach were totally obliterated.

The substance of cellular tissue and of membranes, of the brain and nerves, these the vegetable cannot produce.

The special arrangements of the vessels and the ducts of all the glands, of the air-tubes and vesicles of the lungs, of the parts which make up the skin and other membranes, all the details of those complex parenchymatous organs which had confounded investigation so long, have been lifted out of the invisible into the sight of all observers.