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In half-an-hour Mark and Bridget came up to the marquees, when the former made the acquaintance of his brother-in-law, and had the happiness of embracing his sister. It was a morning of the purest joy, and deepest gratitude.

Some are thrown up in a hurry, others curiously wrought with doors and windows, done in wreaths and withes in the manner of a basket. Some are your proper tents and marquees, looking like the regular camp of the enemy.... However, I think this great variety is rather a beauty than a blemish in the army."

The middy is jilted by his FRENCH MARQUEES, whom he 'did adore, and in his wrath he recommends himself to the wealthy widow Bevisham, concerning whose choice of her suitors there is a doubt: but the middy is encouraged to persevere: 'Up, up, my pretty middy; take a draught of foaming Sillery; Go in and win the uriddy with your Radical artillery.

I'll need marquees an' things until I can get a reg'lar shanty set up. Have you got a wood spoiler you can trust?" McGinnis nodded. "Then weight him down with money so we don't need to trust him too much, and ship him out with the lumber so he can begin right away. We're goin' to make an elegant pile." In his final remark lay the key-note of his purpose.

"Half the County" was present, and while the younger fry played tennis, croquet, clock-golf, and bowls, indulged in "mixed cricket," or attempted victory at archery or miniature-rifle shooting, the sedate elders strolled o'er velvet lawns beneath immemorial elms, sat in groups, or took tea by carpet-spread marquees.

Brilliantly striped marquees were set up below some of the cottages, in which tea and other refreshments were served. The younger people fluttered about, talking and laughing, much like a flock of Mother Carey's chickens before a storm. There were several wagons over from the Haven, in which the small-fry summer visitors arrived and joined their more aristocratic neighbors.

Instead of a scrimp pattern of one day's rations, he ordered two days' rations to be issued, being extra for one day. He ordered tobacco and whisky to be issued twice a week. He ordered sugar and coffee and flour to be issued instead of meal. He ordered old bacon and ham to be issued instead of blue beef. He ordered new tents and marquees.

The hospital camp at Intombi was a collection of tents and large marquees, civilian doctors attending the Volunteers and Army doctors the Regulars. There was also a considerable number of the inhabitants of Ladysmith, not alone women and children, but men. Hence the reason that it got christened Camp Funk by the inhabitants that remained in the town.

There was so general a crush of people; that, although the rooms were large and there were many nice little retreats for tete-a-tete conversation, in balconies that were covered in like marquees and snug conservatories, besides the stair landings those last "refuges for the destitute" who might desire retirement I had to put off my purpose until evening wore on to such a late hour, that I thought I would not be able to speak to my darling at all!

In one field alone, set aside as a garage, I counted over a hundred. Others were left out in the stable yards. Others could be seen, deserted by the roadsides. Beyond the band upon the lawn mammoth marquees had been erected, in which lunch for the vast concourse would presently be served. Already servants in their dozens hurried in and out as they made ready for the feast.