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He suggested that trusses could not be made according to rule, but must be adapted to each individual case. He invented several forms of truss himself, and in general it may be said that his manipulative skill and his power to apply his mechanical principles to his work are the most characteristic of his qualities.

This internal stimulation of vital activities is attained also by good massage through energizing the nerve endings all over the surface of the body. The Fundamental Difference Between Neuratherapy and Other Manipulative Systems The following paragraphs will explain the fundamental difference between neurotherapy and the older systems of manipulative treatment.

"If you're hungry, I've still got some salvis from last night." The big cat rose and padded over to sit across the coals from him, extending the two forked tongues that were its speech, as well as its manipulative, organs. "I have eaten well since my escape," it said, gesturing with them, "but I thank you. You handle yourself well in the woods, for a human."

One best part of educational training is that which comes through special knowledge and manipulative or other skill, with its usual accompaniment of delight, in relation to work which is the daily bread-winning occupation which is a man's contribution to the effective wealth of society in return for what he takes as his own share.

They were men of greater energy of character; their minds were more capacious; their ingenuity was more inventive. I felt assured that in either Liverpool or Manchester the centres of commercial and manipulative energy I could settle down with my limited capital and tools, and in course of time contrive to get on, helped by energy, self-reliance, and determination.

If such dislocations or subluxations be the sole cause of the trouble, their correction by manipulative treatment may produce a cure within a few weeks. But notwithstanding the teachings of orthodox osteopathy, the majority of chronic ailments have their origin in other causes.

The picture a work of great fancy and high feeling, but deficient in manipulative skill the artist, a poet in the true sense of the word, had spent months in dreaming and in joying over. He found it in the dingiest corner of the octagon-room. His lip quivered and his chest heaved. He pulled his hat further down on his face, and walked quickly and quietly out.

The functional activities are either hyperactive as in acute inflammation, or sluggish and inactive as in chronic atonic and atrophic conditions. These extremes can be powerfully influenced and equalized by manipulative inhibition, relaxation or stimulation. During an acute attack of gastritis, for instance, the neurotherapist would exert strong inhibition on the nerves which supply the stomach.

This fact has been instrumental in directing the attention of numerous sincere and scientific investigators to the spinal column with its associated structures as a mechanism through which to apply therapeutic measures. It therefore behooves every health seeker to acquaint himself with the theories and claims of these various systems of manipulative treatment. Osteopathy The autobiography of Dr.

Each one of these men enlarged and enriched some special field of the great realm of natural healing. Some elaborated the water cure and natural dietetics, others invented various systems of manipulative treatment, earth, air and light cures, magnetic healing, mental therapeutics, curative gymnastics, etc., etc.