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One evening, after supper at the farmhouse, Lorimer, who for some time had been watching Philip and Thelma conversing together in low tones near the open window, rose from his seat quietly, without disturbing the hilarity of the bonde, who was in the middle of a rollicking sea-story, told for Macfarlane's entertainment, and slipped out into the garden, where he strolled along rather absently till he found himself in the little close thicket of pines, the very same spot where he and Philip had stood on the first day of their visit thither.

Garry had continued to thank them both for their good word to the church wardens and he himself now and then spent an evening at MacFarlane's house without Corinne, who generally pleaded illness; but the little flame of friendship which had flashed after their arrival in Corklesville had died down again.

"Tell me what we have to do, David. I am a little lame in law matters." "Do? We have to appear in Judge MacFarlane's court to-morrow afternoon prepared to show that this thing is only a hold-up with a blank cartridge. Hawk meant to take a snap judgment.

Soon all trace of his disappointment vanished: with Ruth here, with his work to occupy him, and this mighty, all-inspiring, all-intoxicating sweep of loveliness spread out, his own and Ruth's every hour of the day and night, what did ore beds or anything else matter? MacFarlane's voice woke him to consciousness. He had called to him before, but the boy had not heard.

Merryon had given a great start. He looked like a man stabbed suddenly from a dream to full consciousness. "A European at the dâk-bungalow dead, did you say?" His words tumbled over each other; he gripped Macfarlane's shoulder and shook it with fierce impatience. "So I heard. I don't know any details. How should I? Merryon, are you mad?"

Once installed, however, he had risen steadily, both in MacFarlane's estimation and in the estimation of his fellow-workers; especially the young engineers who were helping his Chief in the difficult task before him.