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Lychorida had so often recounted to Marina the story of her hapless birth that these things seemed ever present to her imagination. But here Leonine interrupted her with desiring her to say her prayers. "What mean you?" said Marina, who began to fear, she knew not why.

'When I was born, replied Marina: 'never were wind and waves more violent'; and then she described the storm, the action of the sailors, the boatswain's whistle, and the loud call of the master, 'which, said she, 'trebled the confusion of the ship. Lychorida had so often recounted to Marina the story of her hapless birth that these things seemed ever present to her imagination.

"Patience, good sir," said Lychorida, "here is all that is left alive of our dead queen, a little daughter, and for your child's sake be more manly. Patience, good sir, even for the sake of this precious charge." Pericles took the new-born infant in his arms, and he said to the little babe, "Now may your life be mild, for a more blusterous birth had never babe!

To encompass this she employed a man to murder Marina, and she well timed her wicked design, when Lychorida, the faithful nurse, had just died. Dionysia was discoursing with the man she had commanded to commit this murder when the young Marina was weeping over the dead Lychorida.

This world to me is like a lasting storm, hurrying me from my friends. 'How now, Marina, said the dissembling Dionysia, 'do you weep alone? How does it chance my daughter is not with you? Do not sorrow for Lychorida, you have a nurse in me. Your beauty is quite changed with this unprofitable woe.

When he went away the little Marina knew not her loss, but Lychorida wept sadly at parting with her royal master. "Oh, no tears, Lychorida," said Pericles; "no tears; look to your little mistress, on whose grace you may depend hereafter."

O Lychorida, bid Nestor bring me spices, ink, and paper, my casket and my jewels, and bid Nicandor bring me the satin coffin. Lay the babe upon the pillow, and go about this suddenly, Lychorida, while I say a priestly farewell to my Thaisa. When the storm was over, Pericles ordered the sailors to make for Tarsus. 'For, said Pericles, 'the babe cannot hold out till we come to Tyre.

"O, no tears, Lychorida," said Pericles; "no tears; look to your little mistress, on whose grace you may depend hereafter." Pericles arrived in safety at Tyre, and was once more settled in the quiet possession of his throne, while his woeful queen, whom he thought dead, remained at Ephesus.

Leonine, the man she employed to do this bad deed, though he was a very wicked man, could hardly be persuaded to undertake it, so had Marina won all hearts to love her. He said: "She is a goodly creature!" "The fitter then the gods should have her," replied her merciless enemy. "Here she comes weeping for the death of her nurse Lychorida. Are you resolved to obey me?"

As soon as he could speak, he said: 'O you gods, why do you make us love your goodly gifts, and then snatch those gifts away? 'Patience, good sir, said Lychorida, 'here is all that is left alive of our dead queen, a little daughter, and for your child's sake be more manly.