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These we must regard with other feelings, and find in them a twofold blessing. The first is this, that they abound in temporal goods, so that even the prophets were well nigh moved to envy thereby; as we read in Psalm lxii, "But as for me, my feet were almost gone; my steps had well nigh slipped.

I shall embrace my sister with a delight which I cannot express. I will not part with the delightful hope of one day calling you truly such. Accept the fraternal regards of Mr. Montford. Letter LXII To Mrs. Montford Banks of Delaware, September 5. Be not anxious for me, Mary. I hope to experience very speedy relief from the wholesome airs that perpetually fan this spot.

My soul, wait thou only upon God. PSALM lxii. 1, 5. We have here two corresponding clauses, each beginning a section of the psalm. They resemble each other even more closely than appears from the English version, for the 'truly' of the first, and the 'only' of the second clause, are the same word; and in each case it stands in the same place, namely, at the beginning.

We shall begin with the annual festivals of fire and shall reserve the pulling of the mistletoe for consideration later on. LXII. The Fire-Festivals of Europe The Fire-festivals in general ALL over Europe the peasants have been accustomed from time immemorial to kindle bonfires on certain days of the year, and to dance round or leap over them.

SECTION LXII. I shall pursue this subject farther in another place; but I allude to it here in order to meet the objections of those persons who suppose the mosaics of St. Mark's, and others of the period, to be utterly barbarous as representations of religious history. Let it be granted that they are so; we are not for that reason to suppose they were ineffective in religious teaching.

Thus, Condé rendered himself formidable and odious to Mazarin, and made himself detested by the people as Mazarin's supporter, at the same time that by his arrogance he shocked the Parliament, already unfavourably disposed towards him on account of his rapacity and his ambition. Talon, mém. t. lxii. pp. 65-105. Montpensier.

LXII. Michael Angelo gave himself, then, whilst still young, not only to sculpture and painting, but to all the kindred arts, with such devotion that for a time he almost withdrew from the fellowship of men, only consorting with a few.

But even in the midst of danger Pompeius was fortunate in the general affection of the people, for though many blamed the generalship, there was not one who hated the general, but one might have found that those who were not willing to leave Pompeius were more numerous than those who left the city for the cause of liberty. LXII. A few davs after, Cæsar entered and took possession of Rome.

With these words, I close what I have to say here on this subject and commend these pages to the indulgent judgement of my readers. The following works, or articles, may be usefully consulted by the student of Spanish. EDITIONS. LUIS DE LEON: Obras, ed. XXXV, XXXVII, LIII, LXI, and LXII; De los nombres de Cristo, ed. E. Wallace, Chicago, 1903; La perfecta casada, ed.

A good plan of the whole town, from which fig. 33 is taken, was issued in vol. lxii, plate 64, by Mr. Silchester and Caerwent did not stand alone in Britain. At Wroxeter, the ancient Viroconium, tribal centre of the Cornovii and a Romano-British country-town much like Silchester, though somewhat larger, oblong 'insulae' have recently been detected by Mr. J.P. Bushe-Fox which measure 103 x 126 yds.