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Morris said with a stare that blended frigidity and surprise in just the right proportions. "I ain't said nothing about forty-eight nine-fifty. What I said was forty-eight six." "You don't mean that, Mawruss," Harris replied. "You mean forty-eight nine." Morris saw that the psychological moment had arrived. "Look-y here, now, Harris," he said.

And about how to tie a four-in-hand, and what's the best stud to wear at the back of a collar, and where to buy socks. What's that to you?" Lydia looked at him with quivering, silent lips. He answered, with a little heat: "Why, look-y here, Lydia, suppose I were a doctor. You wouldn't expect to know how many grains of morphine or what d'you call 'em I was going to use in " "But Dr.

"Well, he hasn't said anything, that's a fact!" exclaimed Madeleine, with the frank implication in her voice that she had not before believed Lydia's statement. "My, no! It's not about 'Stashie. It's about the French lecturer." Lydia's astonishment at this unexpected answer quite took away her breath. "About the " she began. "Why, look-y here, it was this way," explained Madeleine rapidly.

These rhetorical questions hardly fitted the situation, especially the one about throwing away money. "Look-y here, Mawruss," he said, "if you think you scare me by this theayter acting you're mistaken. Just calm yourself, Mawruss, and tell me what you heard it. I ain't heard nothing." For answer Morris handed him the evening paper.

And there's no prospect of doing anything different from this all the days of our life " "But, look-y here, Lydia, that's the way things are in this world! The men have to go away the first thing in the morning and all the rest of what you say! I can't help it! What do you come to me about it for? You might as well break out crying because I can't give you eyes in the back of your head.

"Look-y here, Susan, I bet you've ordered fifty dollars' worth of stuff since you stood there." "Well, what if I have?" She was up in arms in an instant against his breaking a long-standing treaty between them a treaty not tacit, but frequently and definitely stated. They regulated their relations on a sound business basis, they were wont to say of themselves, the natural one, the right one.

"Look-y here, Nat," the doctor stared up at him angrily, "they're not monkeys in a zoo, to be looked at only on holidays and then laughed at! They're the other half of a whole that we're half of, and don't you forget it! Why in the world should you think it funny for them to do this tomfool trick all winter and have nervous prostration all summer to pay for it?