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"Oh, here come Eva Allen and Marian Barber," called Grace delightedly, and rushed over to the newcomers with outstretched hands. By this time girls began to arrive rapidly, and soon the locker-room hummed with the sound of fresh, young voices.

As for Marian we'd better have a meeting of the Phi Sigma Tau to-morrow night and especially request her to be present. Then we'll all turn in and offer to help her get ready for the exams. Here come the girls now." Nora, Jessica, Miriam and Eva Allen entered the senior locker-room together. "Where's Marian?" asked Grace. "You'd never guess if we told you," exclaimed Nora.

There is a club in Budapest at once a club and a luxurious villa almost too crowded with rugs and fine furniture. When you go to play tennis, instead of the ordinary locker-room one is ushered into a sort of boudoir filled with Chippendale furniture. It is a delightful place to get exercise, with tea served on a garden table between sets; yet, when I was in Budapest, the place was almost deserted.

This locker-room is now our property, although I don't like it as well as the one we had last year." "We'll get accustomed to it, and it will seem like home inside of two weeks," said Anne Pierson philosophically. "Everything is bound to change in this world, you know. 'We must put ourselves in harmony with the things among which our lot is cast."

Never again would he walk on the Grass or cock his Arms or dribble Sand all over the dark and trampled Ground where countless Good Men had suffered. No, Indeed! So next day he bought all the Paraphernalia known to the Trade, and his name was put up at a Club. It was one of those regular and sure-enough Clubs. High East Winds prevailed in the Locker-Room.

Then, with a nod at the girl, he ran up the steps and vanished in the club-house, bound for the locker-room. Fifteen minutes the girl waited on the green, watching others drive off from the little tees and inwardly chafing to be in action. Fifteen, and then twenty, before Waldron finally appeared, immaculate in white, bare-armed and with a loose, checked cap shading his close-set eyes.

"It was a great triumph," said Jessica proudly, as she stood with Mabel and Anne in the locker-room while the girls resumed street clothing. "And my new howl was a success, too." "Glad to know that," said Grace. "There were so many different kinds of noises I couldn't distinguish it." "There was one noise that started that was promptly hushed," said Anne. "You heard it, too, didn't you Jessica?"