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Then, registering the extremity of disgust, he rips the loathesome, cravat-clogged collar from his neck and flings it from him. What will he do now? is the thought that holds his audience bound in a spell. Ah! His face breaks into light. He snatches up his collar and industriously adjusts it without a cravat.

That boon which the gods so seldom bestow, of seeing ourselves as others see us, had been accorded to him in full measure. By the time he had completed his third reading he was regarding himself in a purely objective fashion not unlike the attitude of a naturalist towards some strange and loathesome manifestation of insect life. So this was the sort of fellow he was!

Let two or three sentences suffice. "What is uglier than the overloaded femininity, what is more loathesome than the exaggerated masculinity, that rules in our customs, our opinions, and even in our better art?" "Precisely the tyrannical vehemence of the man, the flabby self-surrender of the woman, is in itself an ugly exaggeration."

He would leave me to perish miserably, to expire in the most horrible and loathesome of dungeons and one word, one little syllable, would save me yet that single syllable I could not utter! I felt, I am sure, more than ten thousand times the agonies of death itself. My brain reeled, and I fell, deadly sick, against the end of the box.

To give a sample of the intellectual level of the performance, here is what Billy has to say about modern thought: All this blasphemy against God and Jesus Christ, all this sneering, highbrow, rotten, loathesome, higher criticism, wriggling its dirty, filthy, stinking carcass out of a beer-mug in Leipzig or Heidelberg!

The other side seldom obtruded itself upon her memory the long, black nights the chill, terrible jungle nights the cold and damp and discomfort of the rainy season the hideous mouthings of the savage carnivora as they prowled through the Stygian darkness beneath the constant menace of Sheeta, the panther, and Histah, the snake the stinging insects the loathesome vermin.

The shabby covers that were spread over it reminded one of the beds of the barracks or of the prison. "Ah, no!..." Freya made one bound toward the door. She would never be able to eat beside that filthy piece of furniture which had come from the scum of Naples. "Ah, no! How loathesome!"

Elated that he had been in time to save this girl who awakened such strange emotions in his breast; sad that he was a loathesome thing in her eyes. But that it was pure happiness just to be near her, sufficed him for the time; of the morrow, what use to think!

There was brighter water ahead, too, so the queen said without hesitation: "Come along, dear friends; but let us clasp hands and keep close together." They obeyed her commands and swam swiftly out of their prison and into the clear water before them, glad to put a distance between themselves and the loathesome sea devils.

I tried to soothe her, but as she looked below, and saw the open door, she shuddered, and clinging to me, whispered: 'Countess, I scent the loathesome corpse that even now stirs in its coffin at my approach. Again I strove to comfort her, but all in vain. Scarcely able to support herself, she bade me farewell, and commended herself to your majesty.