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You did look up; and I was now assured that I had correctly followed your steps. But in that bitter tirade upon Chantilly, which appeared in yesterday's 'Musée, the satirist, making some disgraceful allusions to the cobbler s change of name upon assuming the buskin, quoted a Latin line about which we have often conversed. I mean the line Perdidit antiquum litera sonum.

The A.S.C. uses up more stationery than all the departments in Whitehall, and its motto is litera scripta manet which has been explained by an A.S.C. sergeant, instructing a class of potential officers, as meaning "Never do anything without a written order, but, whatever you do, never write one."

And therefore saith Saint Paul: LITERA OCCIDIT; SPIRITUS AUTEM VIVIFICAT. Also the Saracens say, that the Jews be cursed; for they have befouled the law that God sent them by Moses: and the Christian be cursed also, as they say; for they keep not the commandments and the precepts of the gospel that Jesu Christ taught them.

"I was anxious to have a chat with you about that book, and that article of yours in the Zeit Geist, Holland," said the bishop. "I wish you had written neither." "Litera scripta manet," said George, with a smile. One may quote Latin in conversation with a bishop without being thought a prig.

There can be no doubt that he would have pronounced the words 'people' and 'merry' in one uniform manner wherever they occur; but it is curious to consider how little we can judge respecting the pronunciation of our forefathers. Their litera scripta manet; but how they vocalised it, we cannot always decide.

So down we went I assenting and we opened the desk. How dreadful the desecration seems all privacy abrogated the shocking compensation for the silence of death! Henceforward all is circumstantial evidence all conjectural except the litera scripta, and to this evidence every note-book, and every scrap of paper and private letter, must contribute ransacked, bare in the light of day what it can.

But that apology only came as an after-thought, as it were as an attempt to dress the wound which he himself had made, and is quite unable to do away with the impression produced by the written word. Litera scripta manet.

Yes, she lived a life of daily untruth. She wrote it, she put her name to it "litera scripta manet." We must not mince the matter; she spoke it, she acted it hourly, she took payment for it it was her food, her raiment. Oh! all you that love to stamp the foot at poor human nature, here is an object for your contempt, your sarcasm, your abuse, your punishment; drag her away by the hair of her head.

Egerton's confidence, and he may give you some verbal message besides a written reply. Egerton is often over cautious and brief in the litera scripta." Randal went first to Egerton's neighbouring office Egerton had not been there that day. He then took a cabriolet and drove to Grosvenor Square. A quiet-looking chariot was at the door. Mr. Egerton was at home; but the servant said, "Dr.

The Bible was to be the only authority in future for the Christian faith. Pope and ecclesiastical tradition were cast aside, and a greater stress was consequently laid on the litera scripta of the New Testament.