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"'Why, how is this I really there must be some mistake here. In my heart I knew that such doings in my good aunt's dwelling were impossible. "'I should suspect there is, sir, drawled out he of the moustache, as he took a very cool survey of me, through his glass. "'Is Lady Lilford at home, may I ask, said I, in a very apologetic tone of voice.

The egg of the robin is subject to considerable variety of type. I think it was the late Lord Lilford who, speaking on the subject of a Bill for the protection of wild birds' eggs, then before the House of Lords, gave it as his belief that no ornithologist of repute would swear to the name of a single British bird's egg without positively seeing one or other of the parent birds fly off the nest.

"'Why, how is this I really there must be some mistake here. In my heart I knew that such doings in my good aunt's dwelling were impossible. "'I should suspect there is, sir, drawled out he of the moustache, as he took a very cool survey of me, through his glass. "'Is Lady Lilford at home, may I ask, said I, in a very apologetic tone of voice.

"The Fitzwilliams are at Lilford Cross Roads on Monday, draw back towards the kennels; afternoon train up from Peterborough at 5.30; branch from Oundle to meet it, 4.50 have your traps sent there. It's all arranged by Providence. On Monday evening I go to Gatcombe, so that it will all fit." "You need not be disturbed.

We had then Lord Lilford, who rested too much on his notes, but who has a good manner. He drew his points well, and spoke like a man, not like a boy. Lord Tenterden was not powerful. Lord Grey spoke better than he has done since 1827. He made a speech too long, and indeed the last half-hour was of no use.

I rung the bell; and not waiting to ask if my aunt was at home, I dashed up stairs to the drawing-room; in I bolted, and instead of the precise old Lady Lilford, sitting at her embroidery, with her fat poodle beside her, beheld a strapping looking fellow, with a black moustache, making fierce love to a young lady on a sofa beside him.

If Her Majesty would allow the book to be dedicated to her that would probably be a considerable advantage, and through Lord Lilford, who, I think, is a Lord of the Bedchamber, permission might be obtained. But in this I speak at random. If such a plan was taken up, I should myself be willing to subscribe for ten or twenty copies, and I have no doubt that I could obtain subscriptions from others.

A solitary Sunday will enable you to write all your official correspondence for the fortnight." "That I should have done, even in your presence." "I must be at home on Monday morning. Give my love to them all at Lilford Cross Roads. I shall be down again before long if my sister can spare me; or perhaps I may induce her to come and rough it here for a week or two."

I rung the bell; and not waiting to ask if my aunt was at home, I dashed up stairs to the drawing-room; in I bolted, and instead of the precise old Lady Lilford, sitting at her embroidery, with her fat poodle beside her, beheld a strapping looking fellow, with a black moustache, making fierce love to a young lady on a sofa beside him.

"'I haven't the honor of her ladyship's acquaintance, replied he in a lisp, evidently enjoying my perplexity, which was every moment becoming more evident. "'But this is her house, said I, 'at least "'Lady Lilford is at Paris, sir, said the young lady, who now spoke for the first time. 'Papa has taken the house for the season, and that may perhaps account for your mistake.