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In lieu of his rights Charles accepted a grant of £100,000 a year; a sum which it was originally purposed to raise by a tax on the lands thus exempted from feudal exactions; but which was provided for in the end with less justice by a general excise. Successful as the Convention had been in effecting a settlement of political matters it failed in bringing about a settlement of the Church.

"A horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse." or, what would suit me equally as well, a short piece of smooth road in lieu of break-neck cobble-stones.

"A deed like that will answer very well in lieu of what the Squire was going to do for a young man in 'Fabens Academy, and for a poor homeless heart in 'Fabens Asylum, when he got rich in the firm of 'Fairbanks, Frisbie and Fabens!" said Uncle Walter with a roguish leer. "None of your nonsense now, Uncle Walter!" answered Fabens with a blushing smile.

"I should think it was, excessively so! Well as the master of the house is away, be good enough to present me to the mistress?" "What mistress? There is no mistress here!" replied Dorcas, looking around in strange trepidation. "I mean the young lady, Colonel Le Noir's ward. In lieu of any other lady, she, I suppose, may be considered the mistress of the house!" "Humph!

We could pay no more, since we had no more gold, and were obliged to receive it almost as a favor that he promised in the compact to accept silver in payment in lieu of gold, and to estimate a half ounce of gilded silver at twelve groschen and a half ounce of white silver at nine groschen.

Dismiss the whole lazy pack of indoor servants to-morrow, except Porcher. She is as strong as a horse and we'll make her work like a horse." "You will excuse me for reminding you, Sir Percival, that if the servants go to-morrow they must have a month's wages in lieu of a month's warning." "Let them! A month's wages saves a month's waste and gluttony in the servants' hall."

Oldbuck was strongly tempted to believe, that, as its shape was singular, it might have been one of the clubs with which the monks armed their peasants in lieu of more martial weapons, whence, he observed, the villains were called Colve-carles, or Kolb-kerls, that is, Clavigeri, or club-bearers. For the truth of this custom, he quoted the chronicle of Antwerp and that of St.

The wisest course, therefore, was to finish with the affair at once, showing as much respect as possible for the remains of the deceased. In lieu, therefore, of pulling the corpse about in order to strip it bare, Berthaud was of opinion that it would be better to dip it in the piscina clad as it was.

I would call your attention to the practice certain banks have of issuing checks in lieu of cash. If these checks were available at the groceries it would be better than it is. Banks have got in a habit of issuing a species of ivory button in receipt for the green coin of the realm which is only good at the counter of the bank.

Any negro or colored person not residing in Franklin who shall be found within its corporate limits after the hour of three o'clock p.m. on Sunday without a special written permission from his employer or the mayor, shall be arrested and imprisoned and made to work two days on the public streets, or pay two dollars in lieu of said work.