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We however chose what we thought the safest situations, and planted three fine young apple-trees, nine vines, six plantain-trees, a number of orange and lemon-seed, cherry-stones, plum, peach, and apricot-stones, pumpkins, also two sorts of Indian corn, and apple and pear kernels. The ground is well adapted for the trees, being of a rich loamy nature.

We shall get not so much as a lemon-seed. But I sacrifice myself." We entered the room, and my eyes were drawn, as by the force of a million magnets, to the place where Daisy sat. For the moment she was unattended. She was very beautifully attired, and jewels glistened from her hair and throat. Her eyes were downcast looking upon the waxed floor as if in meditation.

I suppose he had some idea about lemon acid taking out spots. But, the best thing was what he said to me. He is so droll that he insisted upon coming down, and finishing the dance just as he was. The funny fellow brushed against all the dresses in his way, and, finally said to me, as he pointed to a lemon-seed upon his coat: "I feel so very lemon-choly for what I have done."

"Mamma," said Florence, "do you b'lieve it's true if a person swallows an apple-seed or a lemon-seed or a watermelon-seed, f'r instance, do you think they'd have a tree grow up inside of 'em? Henry Rooter said it would, yesterday." Mrs. Atwater looked a little anxious. "Did you swallow some sort of seed?" she asked.

He turned at her voice and paused at the gate, lifting his hat. "I beg you pardon, Miss Masters, you called me?" "Yes," said Bell. "Have some lemonade?" "No, thanks." "Come in." "Thanks, not this morning. I shall see you later at Mrs. Upjohn's, I suppose." "Yes, you'll see us all later," said Miss Bell, fishing out a lemon-seed from her goblet.

I would no sooner have knowingly swallowed a grape- or a lemon-seed than I would a stick of dynamite. I would not eat oysters lest I get a piece of shell or even a pearl into my vermiform appendix. I was exceedingly careful never to swallow anything which I thought might contain a gritty substance.