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The brewers know that the saloons are the meeting places of lawbreakers and disreputables, that they enter the side doors leading to private rooms where burglaries, holdups and other crimes are planned and the booty is divided yet, brewers will make no real effort to improve these conditions. Is it surprising that the public is clamoring for the complete elimination of the breweries?

President Roosevelt with characteristic candor told a delegation of Federation officials who called on him to enlist his sympathy in their attempt, that he would enforce the law impartially against lawbreakers, rich and poor alike. Roosevelt recommended to Congress the passage of an amendment exempting "combinations existing for and engaged in the promotion of innocent and proper purposes."

These legal lawbreakers invaded peaceful homes during the day and night, and those that were in the least suspected of belonging to or sympathizing with the Western Federation of Miners were torn out of bed, arrested and dragged off to the bull pen, or transported into the desert, without food or shelter, many miles from other living beings.

The Jukes were notorious law breakers, while the Edwards family has furnished practically no lawbreakers, and a great array of more than 100 lawyers, thirty judges, and the most eminent law professor probably in the country. James Bryce in his comments upon America places one of this family at the head of legal learning on this continent.

But there was a somewhat curious if not uncommon inconsistency in Miss Beekman's attitude toward lawbreakers in that once they were in prison they instantly became objects of her gentlest solicitude.

"I do not see why lawbreakers should object to the color of the man who gathers them in," said Van Rensselaer sarcastically. "We Southerners do, anyway," retorted the Colonel hotly. "You Southerners should behave yourselves, then there would be no trouble," observed Senator Hammond dryly.

"Back yan'," with a wave of the hand toward the hills, was understood among the mountaineers to designate the remotest fastnesses, the unplumbed gorges, the haunts of lawbreakers, the wolf's den, and the boudoir of the bear. In the cabin far up on Blackjack's shoulder, in the wildest part of these retreats, this odd couple had lived for twenty years.

"I am glad to hear you say that, Governor," stated Morrison. "Did you expect that I was going to join you and your mob of lawbreakers?" "Your explicit statement pleases me, I say. Shall you follow the constitution absolutely, in every detail?" "Absolutely! In every detail." "Right down to the last technical letter of it?" "Good gad! what do you mean by asking me such fool questions?"

He has his dependents, his allies, his society of vice, all the various machinery of temptation and indulgence. It happens, therefore, that there is great sympathy with the career of the lawbreakers, many people are hanging on them for support, and among them the so-called criminal lawyers.

A note to this effect was sent by the London Foreign Office to the Allied governments about a fortnight before the delegates began their work of making peace. But the suggestion was withdrawn at the instance of the French, who doubted whether the services of systematic lawbreakers would materially conduce to the establishment of a new society of law-abiding states.