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The Force prided itself on living up to it literally. When a man was sent out to get a prisoner, he brought him in alive. It was a tradition. The Mounted did not choose the easy way of killing lawbreakers because of the difficulty of capturing them. They walked through danger, usually with aplomb, got their man, and brought him in.

If a prudent or ultra-conscientious individual took out a license and sought to observe the law, he was visited by a gang of "Whiskey Boys" who smashed the still and inflicted corporal punishment upon its owner. Finally, warrants were issued against the lawbreakers. The attempt to serve these writs produced an uprising.

It included lawbreakers from every part of the world, men who had fled first of all to the shelter of the mountain desert and who had lived there until their past was even forgotten in the lands from which they came.

"I will," said Jasper. He set out with one hundred and fifty dollars in his pocket for 132 S Street. We will precede him. It was a shabby house of two stories, with a wide front. It looked dilapidated and neglected, but except that it was in an unsavory neighborhood there was nothing to draw attention to it, or lead to the impression that it was the haunt of lawbreakers and desperate characters.

He has his dependents, his allies, his society of vice, all the various machinery of temptation and indulgence. It happens, therefore, that there is great sympathy with the career of the lawbreakers, many people are hanging on them for support, and among them the so-called criminal lawyers.

"Master, think of our task in Jerusalem!" he exclaimed. "What will the best people think of us? They will never believe we come to do God's will if we act as though we approved of lawbreakers!" "Judas," answered Jesus, "the Son of Man has come to seek and to save those who are lost. Zacchaeus was waiting for someone to summon him to repent and submit himself to God.

Nimble looked; and at last he knew that his mother had made no mistake. But somehow he was more frightened than ever. "Then " he faltered "then there must have been men in the boat men that turned the light upon the shore and fired the gun!" "They were men yes!" said his mother. "And they were lawbreakers, too. I hope the game warden will catch them at their tricks." "What is a game warden?"

Some of these victims were crippled for life and died as a result thereof. When it became known that the W. F. M. continued to stand erect, regardless of brutal attacks, it was decided to strike the last violent blow against it. Orchard, the man of honor, confessed, and the lawbreakers appealed to the law against Haywood, Moyer and Pettibone. This time the government did not hesitate.

Every State between the Mississippi and the Pacific has its own stories of deeds that took place during an era when even the lawbreakers attained a certain harsh nobility, and when plain men must prove themselves heroic if they would survive.

But he could act with surprising suddenness, and that made him always an uncertain factor, so that lawbreakers feared him as they feared nightmares.