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At the very moment her son had ended she cried out unconsciously, violently throwing herself against the lattice-work: "God! living God! shall I not now speak?" A dead silence followed this outcry. Nearly all had recognized this voice as that of the "silent woman." A miracle had taken place! "Speak! speak!" resounded the answer of the rabbi from the men's seats below. "You may now speak!"

Without waiting for the rest of his boats, he had then stolen with his comrades through the silent streets, and torn away the lattice-work, and other slight defences on the rear of the house which they had now entered, and through which they intended to possess themselves of the market-place.

Originally they were simply small cages of plain lattice-work in which the water jars were placed to cool, but as prosperity increased and the homes of the people became more ornate, first the edges of the lattice-work were cut so as to form a pattern, and the little cages presently developed into these large balconies, which in place of simple lattice-work were enclosed by screens formed of innumerable small pieces of turned wood built up so as to form designs of great beauty, and behind which the ladies of the harīm might sit and enjoy the air and the animation of the streets unseen.

A great straggling rose-vine grew over the hood of the door, and its young leaves were pricking through the lattice-work; it was old and needed trimming; there were many long barren shoots of last year.

In a canoe not three feet wide, and so incumbered, there remained no other place for the dried plants, trunks, a sextant, a dipping-needle, and the meteorological instruments, than the space below the lattice-work of branches, on which we were compelled to remain stretched the greater part of the day.

Looking at the furniture, one might have supposed that Father Yakov had gone from house to house and collected it in bits; in one place they had given him a round three-legged table, in another a stool, in a third a chair with a back bent violently backwards; in a fourth a chair with an upright back, but the seat smashed in; while in a fifth they had been liberal and given him a semblance of a sofa with a flat back and a lattice-work seat.

But the whitewash and the barred windows with their wooden lattice-work, remind you that you are in Moorish country, in the very heart of it; and Ronda, indeed, figures in chronicles and in old ballads as a stronghold of the invaders.

It was that irresistible first love of a man who has never wasted himself even on the harmless flirtations which are said to be the embassies of love. But Winsome moved away from him, walking down towards the mouth of the linn, through the thickly wooded glen, and underneath the overarching trees, with their enlacing lattice-work of curving boughs.

Main doorway, Palace of Food Products, by Faville. Terra cotta effect on sides of door. Eagles above door, inspiration. Green lattice-work in doors. Administration Avenue West wall, magnificent; facing Palace of Fine Arts, broken by Aisle of Spring, and two large Roman half-domes in Palace of Food Products and Palace of Education.

"The Miner," in niches of gateway, by Albert Weinert of New York. Small portals Italian, fine color effect; lattice-work, orange, blue, light green'. Sculpture on Machinery Palace, by Haig Patigian, of San Francisco. Large columns in front and in vestibule of half dome, imitation Sienna marble. Small portals, orange columns at sides, pink niche, blue dome, orange above dome; pleasing tone,