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"Se 'l miri fulminar ne l'arme avvolto, Marte lo stimi; Amor, se scopre il volto." St. 58. Mars you would think him, when his thund'ring race In arms he ran; Love, when he shew'd his face. Which is as little true to reason as to taste; for no god of war could look like a god of love. The habit of mind would render it impossible.

Let, therefore, your illustrious house take up this charge with that courage and hope with which all just enterprises are undertaken, so that under its standard our native country may be ennobled, and under its auspices may be verified that saying of Petrarch: Virtu contro al Furore Prendera l'arme, e fia il combatter corto: Che l'antico valore Negli italici cuor non e ancor morto.

And then, passing from English to French, from visions of Lindsey and Rupert and the pursuit at Edgehill to memories of Conde and Turenne, he shouted with the voice that was like the sound of a trumpet, "Boutte-selle! boutte-selle! Monte a cheval! monte a cheval! a l'arme, a l'arme!" He was in the field of battle again.

So defective was its firing arrangement then that after a heavy storm only a feeble sputter came from whole battalions of foot: and on those two eventful days the honours lay with the artillery and l'arme blanche. As for the infantrymen, they could effect little except in some wild snatches of bayonet work at close quarters.

His "Orlando," it is true, is a medley of lies and truths sacred and profane wars, loves, enchantments, giants, madheroes, and adventurous damsels, but then, he gives it you very fairly for what it is, and does not pretend to put it upon you for the true 'epopee', or epic poem. He says: "Le Donne, i Cavalier, l'arme, gli amori Le cortesie, l'audaci imprese, io canto."

So defective was its firing arrangement then that after a heavy storm only a feeble sputter came from whole battalions of foot: and on those two eventful days the honours lay with the artillery and l'arme blanche. As for the infantrymen, they could effect little except in some wild snatches of bayonet work at close quarters.

LONDON, March 2, O. S. 1752. MY DEAR FRIEND: Whereabouts are you in Ariosto? Or have you gone through that most ingenious contexture of truth and lies, of serious and extravagant, of knights-errant, magicians, and all that various matter which he announces in the beginning of his poem: Le Donne, I Cavalier, l'arme, gli amori, Le cortesie, l'audaci impreso io canto.

LONDON, March 2, O. S. 1752. MY DEAR FRIEND: Whereabouts are you in Ariosto? Or have you gone through that most ingenious contexture of truth and lies, of serious and extravagant, of knights-errant, magicians, and all that various matter which he announces in the beginning of his poem: Le Donne, I Cavalier, l'arme, gli amori, Le cortesie, l'audaci impreso io canto.

L'arme de ceux qui ont quelque fortune est un arc, un tarquais, une épée et une forte masse

This could not be called "teaching the young idea how to shoot," since the corps only bore l'arme blanche; but it was highly creditable to the waggery of the citizens of Taunton, and the most efficient burlesque upon the volunteer system I had yet seen, although I have encountered many more elaborately gotten up.