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"Then my pa will take her to live with us," said Robert Day, "and Grandma Padgett will do by her just as she does by aunt Krin and me. She isn't a very lively little girl. I'd hate to play Blind Man with her to be blinded; for seems as if she'd just stand against the wall and go to sleep. But it'll be a good thing to have one still child about the house: aunt Corinne fidgets so.

Aunt Krin and I slipped her off with us." "That's kidnapping. Stealing, you know," commented the stranger. "They'd stolen her," declared Bobaday. "How do you know?" "Look how 'fraid she was! I peeped into their wagon in the woods, and as soon as she opened her eyes and saw the man with the pig's head, she began to scream, and they smothered her up."

He said nothing about robbers, while his father unsaddled his horse and tied the animal snugly to a limb. Then Pa Padgett put his foot on the hub and sprang into the carriage. "Is there room for me to stretch myself in here tonight too?" "Of course there is. But don't you want to see grandma and aunt Krin?" "Wait till morning. We'll all take an early start. Have they kept well?"

Aunt Krin, there was a little pretty girl in that wagon that I do believe the folks stole!" This was like a story. The luxury of a real stolen child had never before come in aunt Corinne's way. "Why, Bobaday?" she inquired affectionately.

The lawyer was coming up the log steps while Robert spoke of him. And with him was a lady who looked agitated, and whom he had to assist. Robert and Corinne, at the open sitting-room window, looked at each other with quick apprehension. "Aunt Krin, that's her mother," said aunt Krin's nephew. His young relative grasped his arm and exclaimed in an awe-struck whisper: "Bobaday Padgett!"

Aunt Krin, did you know grandma's goin' to have green kern pie when we stop for dinner to-day?" "I knew there was kern pie made," said aunt Krin. "I guess we better get into the carriage." She held her short dress away from the bushes, and scampered with Bobaday into the yard. Here they could not help stopping on the warped floor of the porch to look into the empty house.