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She was a large, clumsy ship, and, with her topmasts stayed forward, and high poop-deck, looked like an old woman with a crippled back. It was now the close of Lent, and on Good Friday she had all her yards a'-cock-bill, which is customary among Catholic vessels. Some also have an effigy of Judas, which the crew amuse themselves with keel-hauling and hanging by the neck from the yard-arms.

"And if you go on with that yelping, my friend," added Sprague, "we'll add piracy on the high seas, keel-hauling, drowning in a sack, and hanging at the yard-arm to our list of accomplishments. I would have you know that we are desperate men. This person" pointing to the Chief, "is the only law-abiding one amongst us.

"You'll be colder when you're under the bottom of the cutter," replied his master. "O Lord, then it is keel-hauling a'ter all; why, what have I done?" cried Smallbones, as the marines divested him of his shirt, and exposed his emaciated body to the pitiless storm. "Where's Snarleyyow, sir? confess."

Years ago there was a punishment inflicted in the English, and I believe in the American Navy, called keel-hauling a phrase still employed by man-of-war's-men when they would express some signal vengeance upon a personal foe. The practice still remains in the French national marine, though it is by no means resorted to so frequently as in times past.

Here Mr Vanslyperken remembered his dream, and the difficulty which he had in driving Smallbones' soul out of his body, and he was fearful that even keel-hauling would not settle Smallbones.

The re-appearance of the dog created no small sensation Vanslyperken felt that he had now no reason for keel-hauling Smallbones, which annoyed him as much as the sight of the dog gave him pleasure. The corporal, who had dropped Smallbones on the snow, was also disappointed.

'The deuce they will! The cunning rascals. But go on. What would you further say? 'Wyatt insists that both the doctor and my father shall sail in her. They will be carried on board, and and when at sea you know you understand' 'Be drowned, you fear. That is possible, certainly; but I cannot think they would have more to fear than a good keel-hauling.

"Then, by Got, we will have de breeze," replied Jansen, who was a Dutch seaman of huge proportions, rendered still more preposterous by the multiplicity of his nether clothing. "Yes, as sure as Mother Carey's chickens raise the gale, so does the name of the Frau Vandersloosh. I'll be down and get my breakfast, there may be keel-hauling before noon." "Mein Got dat is de tyfel."

Here Mr Vanslyperken remembered his dream, and the difficulty which he had in driving Smallbones' soul out of his body, and he was fearful that even keel-hauling would not settle Smallbones.

"You'll be colder when you're under the bottom of the cutter," replied his master. "O Lord! then it is keel-hauling a'ter all; why what have I done?" cried Smallbones, as the marines divested him of his shirt, and exposed his emaciated body to the pitiless storm. "Where's Snarleyyow, sir? confess."