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Sinister rumours, however, were still about, like a flight of ill-omened birds, and it was said that another troop of people were collecting further on to intercept our passage to Soudan. During this halt, grave conferences were held between the Kailouee merchant, En-Noor, and the marabout, on the subject of these fresh reports.

My blacks were taken aback at my treating a Haghar in this cavalier way; but I observe that they are now more cautious in permitting strangers to enter my tent. The day before I turned a saucy Kailouee out, and my servants begin to understand that I will not be pestered more with these people, and so they keep them off.

En-Noor, they say, is exceedingly angry about this attack, and has sent eleven mounted men after the robbers to seize their camels, which if he gets hold of he intends to confiscate. On Amankee calling on him he observed, "You, Amankee, being a native of Soudan, and not a Muslim of Tripoli, are like the Kailouees. You can fire on these Kailouee robbers.

Reach Falezlez Dates left in the Desert Road-marks Disputes with the Kailouees News from Tidek Scarcity of Food in Aheer Similitudes and Signs of the Tuaricks Fine Climate Arrival of Wataitee His Boasting Saharan travelling My Umbrella Grasping Son of Shafou Geology of the Desert The "Person who gives" Another Caravan Tuarick Sportsmen Wady Aroukeen Fine Scene New Trees Kailouee Camels Fine Nights Well New Moon Passing a Caravan in the Desert Origin of the Kailouee Tuaricks Arrive at Tajetterat No Robbers An Alarm Well of Esalan Senna Birds Graves of Slave Children Our Grievances against the Tuaricks.

Serious news has just come in from the northern frontier. It appears that the Azgher who followed us all the way from Aisou to Aheer, secretly exciting the people against us, have joined with the Kailouee borderers in an attack upon a small Tibboo caravan. Two of the merchants have been killed, and thirty-five slaves stolen and carried away over the desert, in the direction of Tuat.

This is the expedition which has been long talked of: we shall see its results. Dr. Barth is making arrangements for going to Aghadez. I have prepared a draft of a treaty, which Yusuf, who accompanies Barth, will take with him. I have also made a selection of presents for the Sultan of Aghadez. There is now an immense movement throughout all the Kailouee country.

It is thus evident that the Tibboos do derive a revenue from their salt, contrary to what was stated by them to Major Denham. Since his time, however, this people have found themselves in a better condition to enforce this impost on the Kailouee salt-merchants than they were formerly.

Further off on the same side, at a distance, the rocks continued in a range, instead of being scattered about like so many sugar-loaves placed upon a plane, as mountains are represented to children. To-day the granite became stratified, or gneiss; there were also some fine specimens of hornblend. One of our Kailouee friends amused himself on the road by giving a good beating to his female slave.

The great men, and indeed all those that can afford it, despise the simple Kailouee costume, and indulge in all the rich dresses which are so much liked by the Moors of the coast, burnouses, shasheeahs, turbans, veneeses, caftans, tobes of silk, &c. The dress of the women whom we see about is a simple cotton tobe, covering them from neck to heels.

Barth lost again Meet our Guides The Akourou Water Ghadeer Soudan Influence on the Tuaricks Wataitee leaves us Oasis of Janet Kailouee Character A sick Slave Rocky Desert Gloomy Scene Servants Egheree Water Ajunjer A threatened Foray from Janet Sidi Jafel Waled Sakertaf We have no Money Region of Granite Dr.