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Juvenile depravity would proportionally disappear, as not more people would reach non-age than now reach over-age. And the great advantage of the scheme, one that would indeed transform the world, is that women would always be growing younger. The "old soldier" is beginning to outline himself upon the public mind as a distant character in American life.

I wanted to comfort him, but he never gave me a chance. He never even mentioned Lucy's name. 'Did he seem unhappy? 'No. He was just the same as ever, impassive and collected. 'Really, he's inhuman, exclaimed Julia impatiently. 'He's an anomaly in this juvenile century, Dick agreed. 'He's an ancient Roman who buys his clothes in Savile Row.

But he lacked a secretary of the requisite ability, and as soon as he heard of Hamilton's return to camp he sent for him. Hamilton was feeling almost well, and he walked rapidly across the village green to headquarters, delighted at the prospect of seeing Washington again. He had acquired a military air and walked more erectly than ever, for he was somewhat sensitive of his juvenile appearance.

The girls at last reluctantly consented to go with him, when a representative of the Juvenile Protective Association, who had followed them from the court room and had listened to the conversation, insisted upon the prompt arrest of the white slave trader.

As a child he learned to get things the best way he could, and to think nothing about it. In short, his life, like all other lives, moves along the lines of least resistance. He soon comes to feel that the police are his natural enemies and his chief business is to keep from getting caught. Inevitably he is brought into the Juvenile Court. He may be reprimanded at first.

The fact was that after leaving Saverne he had inclined to the right, and was now penetrating into the Dagsberg woods with juvenile energy. At the rate he was going, in five or six hours he would have reached Phramond, eight leagues from his destination. But night was coming on apace, and the path was now becoming fainter, and under the tall trees only an indistinct track appeared.

Calf-love, as it is called in the country, is common; and in Italy it may arise earlier than in the bleak and barren regions of Lochynagar. This movement of juvenile sentiment is not, however, love that strong masculine avidity, which, in its highest excitement, is unrestrained, by the laws alike of God and man.

The trouble with poor Miss Ruey was that, while her body had grown old and crazy, her soul was just as juvenile as ever, and a simple, juvenile soul disporting itself in a crazy, battered old body, is at great disadvantage.

The little girl was sobbing, half in distress, and half because of the haste she had made, and Master Richard's juvenile soul burnt within him at the sight like that of a knight-errant.

At fourteen he was fierce and rebellious and down on the Juvenile Court records for truancy, petty trafficking in burned-out opium, vandalism, and gang vagrancy. In Hanscha's sober hours he was her despair, and she could be horrible in her anger, once the court reprimanding her and threatening to take Jason from her because of welts found on his back.