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"Of course. Who else would do it?" "Were you told to do so by the Juez?" "Told? Why should he tell me?" "How, then, am I to know that he wishes me to leave his beautiful house?" I asked, getting angry. "The question!" he returned, shrugging his shoulders. "How do you know when it is going to rain?"

Nothing can save thy English lover." "Why?" she breathed feebly. He raged at her in his weakness. Why? Because the order had gone forth; because they dared not disobey. Because she had only gold in the palm of her hand, while Señor O'Brien held all their lives in his. The accursed Juez was for them like death itself that walks amongst men, taking this one, leaving another.

He was retained to answer the charge of murder. And to any protestations I could make, the old Juez was entirely deaf. "The senor must make representations to his own authorities," he said. "I have warrant for what I have done." It was impossible to expose O'Brien to him. The soldiers of the escort, in the dawn before the prison gates, simply laughed at me.

What the Señor Juez O'Brien asks me to do, I do. I would put a knife into any one who inconvenienced the Señor Juez O'Brien, who is a good Catholic; we would all do that, as is right and fitting. But this Castro this Andalou, who is nearly as bad as a heretic!

At last, after a great deal of trouble, the fowls were all got out, and the servant placed to guard the door, with strict orders to decapitate the first chicken that should attempt to enter and disturb the proceedings. Order being restored, the Juez lit a cigarette and began to smooth his ruffled feathers. "Proceed," he said to the officer, from his seat at the table.

Ofalia's reply was, that immediate measures should be taken for my liberation, and that it would be my own fault if I remained in prison. He forthwith ordered a juez de la primera instancia, a kind of solicitor-general, to wait upon me, who was instructed to hear my account of the affair, and then to dismiss me with an admonition to be cautious for the future.

Under the palms the green masses of vegetation concealed the hovels of the rabble. There were three so-called 'villages' at the bottom of the bay; and that good Catholic and terrible man, Señor Juez O'Brien, could with a simple nod send every man in them to the gallows.

After we had completed the measuring, they stood, shifting their sombreros from hand to hand and plainly wishing to say something further; finally, mustering courage, the juez and secretario advanced and stated that it was the town's desire to have a picture taken of the church, with the saint and people of the village before the door.

It was from Los Reyes, a little town at a distance of about half a league. It was headed by the village juez.

Verree bad act that Senor O'Connor make fight with General Tumbalo. Yes, general Tumbalo great soldier and big mans. "'What'll they do to Mr. O'Connor? I asks. "'I talk little while presently with the Juez de la Paz what you call Justice-with-the-peace, says Sancho. 'He tell me it verree bad crime that one Senor Americano try kill General Tumbalo.