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My slight erotic inconvenience, by compelling me to follow the diet necessary to my cure, most likely saved me from greater misfortunes which, perhaps, I should not have been able to avoid. My Journey to Cesena in Search of Treasure I Take Up My Quarters in Franzia's House His Daughter Javotte

"My dear Javotte, have you been displeased at all I have compelled you to submit to this evening?" "Not at all; I liked it very much." "Then I hope that you will have no objection to get in the bath with me to-morrow, and to wash me as I have washed you." "Most willingly, but shall I know how to do it well?"

I kept Javotte at work all day, sewing together, in the shape of a ring, some thirty sheets of paper on which I painted the most wonderful designs. That ring, which I called maximus, had a diameter of three geometric paces. I had manufactured a sort of sceptre or magic wand with the branch of olive brought by Franzia from Cesena.

The mother seemed to be the real master of the household, and there were three or four servants going about the premises. The eldest daughter was called Genevieve, or Javotte, a very common name among the girls of Cesena. I told her that I thought her eighteen; but she answered, in a tone half serious, half vexed, that I was very much mistaken, for she had only just completed her fourteenth year.

"I will teach you, and for the future I wish you to sleep every night in my room, because I must have a complete certainty that on the night of the great operation I shall find you such as you ought to be." From that time Javotte was at her ease with me, all her restraint disappeared, she would look at me and smile with entire confidence.

"Indeed!" replied Cinderella, a little more interested; "I should like to see her. Miss Javotte" that was the elder sister's name "will you not let me go to-morrow, and lend me your yellow gown that you wear on Sundays?" "What, lend my yellow gown to a cinder-wench!

Javotte was kept sewing as on the day before; she left the room in the evening when Capitani came in, and I treated him in the same manner as Franzia; on the third day, it was Javotte's turn, and that had been the object I had kept in view all the time. When the hour came, I said to her,

I ordered all the family to kiss me, and finding that Javotte had eaten garlic I forbade the use of it entirely, which order Franzia promised should be complied with.

I told Franzia to follow me, and, in order to accomplish something in the magic line, I dipped a towel in some water, and uttering fearful words which belonged to no human language, I washed the eyes, the temples, and the chest of every person in the family, including Javotte, who might have objected to it if I had not begun with her father, mother, and brother.

I made them swear upon my pocket-book that they were not labouring under any impure disease, and I concluded the ceremony by compelling Javotte to swear likewise that she had her maidenhood.