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If these shadowes, Madam, be but darke enough, I shall account it happines to meet you. But referr that to opportunitie, Which our kind starrs in pitty will sooner offer To both our ioyes. Lady. But he is very Jealous. Sir Fr.

Thy eies like searingyrons burne out mine, In thy faire tresses stifle me outright, Like Circes change me to a loathsome swine, So I may liue for euer in thy sight Into heauens ioyes can none prof oundly see, Except that first they meditate on thee. Sadly and verily, if my master said true, I should if I were a wench make many men quickly immortall.

Spoake like a mother. Tho. Madam, The surplusage of love that's in my breast Must needs have vent in gratulation Of your full ioyes. Would you mind your promise, And make me fortunate in your love! Lady. Sir, I have vowd, Since by my meanes my daughter and her love Perishd unhappily, to seclude my selfe From mans Society. Tho. Weele cancell That obligation quickly.

But language is to narrow to expresse What I expect, tis fitt my soule retire Till she present her selfe; and, if it can Measure my hop'd for ioyes with thought, prepare To entertaine the happines. Sir Richard and his Lady abed. Enter Dorothy with a Light. Do. I have set already my designe a moveing To take my Captaine Underwit, who in wine Was late more feirie upon me.

The onely repeale we haue from Gods vndefinite chastisement, is to chastise our selues in this world: and so I will, nought but death bee my pennance, gracious and acceptable may it bee: my hand and my knife shall manumit me out of the horror of minde I endure. Farewell life that hast lent me nothing but sorrow: farewell sinne sowed flesh, that hast more weeds than flowers, more woes than ioyes.

Whereby the Iapans mindes are so nousled in wicked opinions, and doe conceiue thereby such trust and hope of euerlasting saluation, that not onely at home, but also abroad in euery corner of the towne continually almost they run ouer their beades, humbly asking of Amida and Xaca, wealth, honour, good health, and euerlasting ioyes.